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Galina Fedotova has: Played Jaana in "Verekivi" in 1972. Performed in "Lev Gurych Sinichkin" in 1974. Performed in "Teshcha" in 1975. Performed in "Volny chernogo morya" in 1976. Performed in "Achillesferse" in 1978.

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Lila Kedrova has: Played Irina in "Ultimatum" in 1938. Played Ljuba in "Weg ohne Umkehr" in 1953. Played Rose in "Le grand jeu" in 1954. Played Mme Denis, la concierge in "Les impures" in 1954. Played Mme. Vacopoulos in "Des gens sans importance" in 1956. Played Pepita in "Calle Mayor" in 1956. Played Anna Zborowsky in "Les amants de Montparnasse (Montparnasse 19)" in 1958. Performed in "Jons und Erdme" in 1959. Played La Choute in "Mon pote le gitan" in 1959. Played Manuela in "La femme et le pantin" in 1959. Played La Ledoux in "Mesdemoiselles Armande" in 1962. Played Kirvi in "Kriss Romani" in 1963. Played Madame Hortense in "Alexis Zorbas" in 1964. Played Herself - Winner: Best Actress in Supporting Role in "The 37th Annual Academy Awards" in 1965. Played Rosa in "A High Wind in Jamaica" in 1965. Played Countess Kuchinska in "Torn Curtain" in 1966. Played Emma Martens in "The Survivors" in 1966. Played Herself - Presenter: Best Actor in a Supporting Role in "The 38th Annual Academy Awards" in 1966. Played Emma Martens in "Thirteen Against Fate" in 1966. Played Princess Sadaba in "Penelope" in 1966. Played Rose Alfonsi in "Maigret a Pigalle" in 1966. Played Rosa in "Le canard en fer blanc" in 1967. Played Madam Sophie in "The Kremlin Letter" in 1970. Played Sarah Kaplan in "Escape to the Sun" in 1972. Played Mme. Martine in "Cool Million" in 1972. Played Madame Olga Dubillard in "A Time for Loving" in 1972. Performed in "Second City Firsts" in 1973. Played Madame in "Les glaces" in 1973. Played Madame Grenier in "Soft Beds, Hard Battles" in 1974. Played Contessa Mafalda in "Alla mia cara mamma nel giorno del suo compleanno" in 1974. Played Mrs. Heim in "Le orme" in 1975. Played Contessa Cappelli in "Il medaglione insanguinato" in 1975. Played Madame Gaderian in "Le locataire" in 1976. Played Countess de Tocqueville in "Moi, fleur bleue" in 1977. Played Mother in "Nido de viudas" in 1977. Played Camille Chevallier in "Le paradis des riches" in 1978. Played Sonia Tovalski in "Clair de femme" in 1979. Played Olga in "Le cavaleur" in 1979. Played The mummy in "The Ghost Sonata" in 1980. Played Eva in "Tell Me a Riddle" in 1980. Played Yvonne in "Les parents terribles" in 1980. Played Maria in "Il turno" in 1981. Played Sister Anna in "Blood Tide" in 1982. Performed in "Testament" in 1983. Played Herself - Winner: Best Featured Actress in a Musical in "The 38th Annual Tony Awards" in 1984. Performed in "Sunset People" in 1984. Played Lady of Lyonesse in "Sword of the Valiant: The Legend of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" in 1984. Played herself in "Hitchcock: il brividio del genio" in 1986. Played Rose in "Two Men" in 1988. Played Granny in "Some Girls" in 1988. Performed in "A Star for Two" in 1991. Played Mother in "La prossima volta il fuoco" in 1993. Played Herself - Memorial Tribute in "The 72nd Annual Academy Awards" in 2000.

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Lyda Salmonova has: Played Lyduschka in "Der Student von Prag" in 1913. Performed in "Die ideale Gattin" in 1913. Performed in "Der Schatz des Abdar Rahmann" in 1914. Played Ellen Wentheim in "Evinrude" in 1914. Played Jessica in "Der Golem" in 1915. Performed in "Die Rache des Blutes" in 1915. Played Myra in "Der Yoghi" in 1916. Played Dirne in "Peter Lump" in 1916. Played Marthe, Frau des Hans Trutz in "Hans Trutz im Schlaraffenland" in 1917. Performed in "Apokalypse" in 1918. Performed in "Der fliegende Tod" in 1920. Performed in "Steuermann Holk" in 1920. Played Miriam, des Rabbi Tochter in "Der Golem, wie er in die Welt kam" in 1920. Performed in "Die Diamentenkonkurrenz" in 1921. Played Tochter Aglaia Jepantschin in "Irrende Seelen" in 1921. Performed in "Der Wahn des Philipp Morris" in 1921. Played Dorotheas Pflegeschwester Barbara in "Der verlorene Schatten" in 1921. Played Makeda in "Das Weib des Pharao" in 1922. Played Maddalena Pazzi in "Monna Vanna" in 1922. Performed in "Jenseits des Stromes" in 1922. Played Beatrice in "Herzog Ferrantes Ende" in 1922. Performed in "Das Liebesnest 1" in 1922.

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Q: What movie and television projects has Galina Fedotova been in?
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Irina Fedotova has: Performed in "Salavat Yulayev" in 1940. Played Macha in "Moi universitety" in 1940. Played Cooking Odintsov in "Vesenniy potok" in 1941. Performed in "Doroga k zvyozdam" in 1942. Played Tonya in "Kak zakalyalas stal" in 1942.

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Galina Rogachyova has: Performed in "Vot i leto proshlo" in 1972. Performed in "Bolshoy tramplin" in 1973. Performed in "Lichnye schyoty" in 1982. Performed in "Belye rosy" in 1983. Played Convention Participant in "Neterpeniye dushi" in 1987.

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Galina Sazonova has: Played Zemfira in "Tainstvennyy uznik" in 1986. Played (segment "Nayezdniki") in "Nayezdniki" in 1987. Played Woman Captain in "Zaymemsya lyubovyu" in 2002. Performed in "Aeroport" in 2005. Performed in "Vrachebnaya tayna" in 2006.

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Galina Moroz has: Played Kseniya in "Tsvety lugovye" in 1980. Performed in "Naslednitsa Niki" in 1989. Played Lena in "V toy oblasti nebes" in 1992. Performed in "American Boy" in 1992. Performed in "Zalozhniki strakha" in 1994.

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Galina Korotkevich has: Performed in "Vesna v Moskve" in 1953. Performed in "My s vami gde-to vstrechalis" in 1954. Performed in "Eto nachinalos tak..." in 1956. Performed in "Trembita" in 1968. Performed in "Menya eto ne kasaetsya" in 1976.

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Galina Kukhalskaya has: Performed in "Pod nebom golubym" in 1989. Played Mama in "Tsvety provincyi" in 1994. Played Kommunalka in "Stilyagi" in 2008. Performed in "Volki" in 2009. Performed in "Kadet" in 2009. Played Yana in "Half-Life" in 2011.

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Galina Sokolova has: Performed in "Esli ty prav..." in 1963. Played Khimka in "Babye tsarstvo" in 1967. Performed in "12 stulev" in 1977. Performed in "Strakhovoy agent" in 1985. Played Matilda in "Million v brachnoy korzine" in 1985.

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Galina Teplinskaya has: Performed in "Ssora v Lukashakh" in 1959. Played Zritel in "Starozhil" in 1962. Played Cameo in "Vsyo ostayotsya lyudyam" in 1964. Performed in "Zaychik" in 1964. Performed in "Pervorossiyanye" in 1968. Performed in "Moya zhizn" in 1972.

What movie and television projects has Galina Dashevskaya been in?

Galina Dashevskaya has: Performed in "Iyulskiy dozhd" in 1966. Played Tatyana Ivanovna in "Otpusk, kotoryy ne sostoyalsya" in 1977. Played Mat Lidochki in "Zhaloba" in 1986. Performed in "Krasnaya strela" in 1986. Played Nelli Eduardovna in "Padenie" in 1993.

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Galina Bob has: Performed in "Artistka" in 2007. Played Kursantka iz Kremlya in "Utomlyonnye solntsem 2: Predstoyanie" in 2010. Played Tonya in "Muzhskaya zhenskaya igra" in 2011. Played Masha in "Deffchonki" in 2012. Played Masha Bobylkina in "Deffchonki" in 2012.

What movie and television projects has Galina Chiginskaya been in?

Galina Chiginskaya has: Performed in "Moy papa - kapitan" in 1969. Performed in "Poslednie dni Pompey" in 1972. Performed in "Parashuty na derevyakh" in 1973. Performed in "Pyatyorka za leto" in 1974. Performed in "Vzglyad" in 1988. Performed in "Kon belyy" in 1993.