Rosy De Wolf has: Played Little Girl in "Casualty" in 1986. Played Anna Barnwell in "Casualty" in 1986. Played Amber in "Mothertime" in 1997. Played Rosy in "The Priory" in 1999. Played Radclyffe Denton in "The League of Gentlemen" in 1999.
Rosemarie Herzog has: Performed in "Der Staatsanwalt hat das Wort" in 1965. Played Lehrerin in "Die besten Jahre" in 1965. Played Lisbeth in "Brot und Rosen" in 1967. Played Reisende in "Nelken in Aspik" in 1976. Performed in "Die Leiden des jungen Werthers" in 1976. Played Kundin in "Eine Handvoll Hoffnung" in 1978. Performed in "Rotschlipse" in 1978. Performed in "Achillesferse" in 1978. Played Sanchos Frau in "Trini" in 1979. Performed in "Martin Luther" in 1983. Performed in "Die Frau und der Fremde" in 1985. Played Adlige Verwandte in "Vera - Der schwere Weg der Erkenntnis" in 1989.
Rosl Mayr has: Played Stallmagd Caroline in "Die drei Dorfheiligen" in 1949. Played Zenzi in "Der Herrgottschnitzer von Ammergau" in 1952. Performed in "Sie schreiben mit" in 1958. Played Newsagent in "Der Pauker" in 1958. Played Kellnerin in "Kasimir und Karoline" in 1959. Played Zeugin im Gerichtsaal in "Der Gauner und der liebe Gott" in 1960. Played Frau Webster in "Isar 12" in 1961. Played Frau Ebermayr in "Isar 12" in 1961. Played Frau Balanski in "Isar 12" in 1961. Played Nachbarin in "Isar 12" in 1961. Played Frau Schindler in "Das Kriminalmuseum" in 1963. Played Kioskinhaberin in "Das Kriminalmuseum" in 1963. Played Zenzi Fallbusch in "Gewagtes Spiel" in 1964. Played Innocenta in "Lausbubengeschichten" in 1964. Played Frau Heilmeier in "Der Nachtkurier meldet..." in 1964. Played Marktstandlerin in "Die Pfingstorgel" in 1965. Played Mutter Dralle in "Die fromme Helene" in 1965. Played Zenzi in "Die seltsamen Methoden des Franz Josef Wanninger" in 1965. Played Marie in "Die spanische Fliege" in 1966. Played Putzfrau 1 in "Die Jubilarin" in 1968. Played Kellnerin in "Madame Bovary" in 1968. Played Garderobiere in "Madame und ihre Nichte" in 1969. Played Frau Bachhoff in "Der Kommissar" in 1969. Played Wirtin in "Detektive" in 1969. Played Kellnerin in "Der Kommissar" in 1969. Played Frau Moser in "Tatort" in 1969. Played Frieda Pilgermaier in "Die Lokalbahn" in 1969. Played Barbara. seine Frau in "Der Hunderter im Westentaschl" in 1970. Played Mrs. Wilson in "Paragraph 218 - Wir haben abgetrieben, Herr Staatsanwalt" in 1971. Played Putzfrau in "Erotik im Beruf - Was jeder Personalchef gern verschweigt" in 1971. Played Frau Grabl in "Mache alles mit" in 1971. Played Befragte in "Hausfrauen-Report 1: Unglaublich, aber wahr" in 1971. Played Hausmeisterin in "Privatdetektiv Frank Kross" in 1972. Performed in "Karl Valentins Lachparade" in 1972. Played Schwester Oberin in "Krankenschwestern-Report" in 1972. Played Frau Kellermann in "Die dressierte Frau" in 1972. Played Peters Familie in "Der Radweltmeister" in 1972. Played old Woman in the backyard in "Matratzen-Tango" in 1973. Played Marie Eichbichler in "Hausfrauen-Report 4" in 1973. Played Frau Huber in "Liebe in drei Dimensionen" in 1973. Played Frau Boesig in "Charlys Nichten" in 1974. Played Gretl in "Beim Jodeln juckt die Lederhose" in 1974. Played Frau Schmelzer, Wirtin in "Derrick" in 1974. Played Oma Wilmowski in "Bitte keine Polizei" in 1975. Played Frau am Balkon in "Mein Onkel Theodor oder Wie man viel Geld im Schlaf verdient" in 1975. Played Lisa in "Jagdrevier der scharfen Gemsen" in 1975. Performed in "Eine kleine Liebe" in 1976. Played Frau Stadler in "2 geile Hirsche auf der Flucht" in 1976. Played Metzgerei Kundin in "Josefine Mutzenbacher - Wie sie wirklich war: 2. Teil" in 1976. Played Klofrau in "Herr S. kommt nicht zum Zuge" in 1976. Played Frau Gmeinwieser in "Polizeiinspektion 1" in 1977. Played Josefa in "Drei Schwedinnen in Oberbayern" in 1977. Played Frau Zanzinger in "Der Alte" in 1977. Played Hellseherin Haruspicia in "Die Jugendstreiche des Knaben Karl" in 1977. Played Old Woman in "Popcorn und Himbeereis" in 1978. Played Josefa in "Hurra - Die Schwedinnen sind da" in 1978. Played Nachbarin in "Lucky Star" in 1979. Performed in "Legen wir zusammen" in 1981. Played Frau Schamberger in "Der Aufsteiger" in 1981. Played Betty in "Trokadero" in 1981. Played Mutter des Nachbarn in "Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl" in 1982. Played Frau mit Hut in "Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl" in 1982. Played Frau mit Hund in "Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl" in 1982. Played Verschiedene Rollen (1984) in "Lach mal wieder" in 1984. Played Fleischerkundin, Frau von Brauneder in "Josefine Mutzenbacher - Wie sie wirklich war: 6. Teil" in 1984.
Roswitha Meyer has: Played Birgit Tielmann in "Tatort" in 1969. Performed in "Tatort" in 1969. Played herself in "Familien-Duell" in 1992. Played Janette Schmidt in "Im Namen des Gesetzes" in 1994. Played Claudia in "Schwarzfahrer" in 1997. Performed in "Nogo" in 2002. Played Ursula Angerer in "SOKO Donau" in 2005. Played Frau Endress in "SOKO Donau" in 2005.
Dorothea Rosenberger has: Performed in "Ein Guru kommt" in 1980. Performed in "Der Kunstfehler" in 1983. Played Schwester Hanna in "Schwestern" in 1983. Performed in "Sommer in Lesmona" in 1988. Performed in "Anwalt Abel" in 1988. Played Anita Pietsch in "Wolffs Revier" in 1992. Played 1997 in "Stadtklinik" in 1993. Played Ines Majewski in "Doppelter Einsatz" in 1994. Played Mutter in "Ausgerastet" in 1997.
The Brooklyn Bridge played themselves as singers in "The Hollywood Palace" in 1964 and in "Della" in 1969.
Amanda Rendall has: Played herself in "Babestation" in 2002. Played herself in "Bluebird TV 1" in 2010. Performed in "Relaxxx" in 2011. Performed in "Bite" in 2011. Played herself in "Shebang TV" in 2011.
Reede Fox has: Played herself in "Babestation" in 2002. Played herself in "Bluebird TV 1" in 2010. Played herself in "Shebang TV" in 2011. Performed in "How TV Ruined Your Life" in 2011. Played herself in "Storm Babes TV" in 2011.
Punya Das has: Performed in "Aashirwad" in 1968. Performed in "Bhuvan Shome" in 1969. Performed in "Suhana Safar" in 1970. Performed in "Abhinetri" in 1970. Performed in "Nadaan" in 1971.
Dorothea Mommsen has: Performed in "Der Staatsanwalt hat das Wort" in 1965. Played Trauergast in "Polizeiruf 110" in 1971. Played Gefangene in "Die Verlobte" in 1980. Performed in "Olle Henry" in 1983. Performed in "Fallada - letztes Kapitel" in 1988.
Dorothea Syleos has: Played Maid of Honor in "The Buse" in 2000. Played Extra in "Recount" in 2008. Played Dr. Collins in "Faculty Choir" in 2011. Played Penelope in "Retrospective" in 2011. Played Gretchen in "Prom King" in 2011. Played Mom in "Leaving" in 2013.
Dorothea Anna Hagena has: Performed in "Geschichten aus dem Leben" in 1993. Performed in "Die Schule am See" in 1997. Played Helga Schneider in "SOKO Wismar" in 2004. Performed in "Die Bullenbraut - Ihr erster Fall" in 2005. Played Monika Wimmer in "Notruf Hafenkante" in 2007.
Dorothea Hagena has: Played Frau Claasen in "Die Rettungsflieger" in 1997. Played Hanna Rix (2002) in "Der Seerosenteich" in 2002. Performed in "Da kommt Kalle" in 2006. Played Frau Martini in "Chaostage" in 2009. Played Hausmeisterin in "Gegengerade" in 2011. Played Mutter in "Mann im Spagat: Pace, Cowboy, Pace" in 2014.
Dorothea Arnold has: Performed in "Die amerikanische Botschaft oder Warum wir uns bewegen" in 2003. Played Das Schweigen-Darstellerin in "Harald Schmidt" in 2004. Played Martina in "Am anderen Ende" in 2009. Played Krankenschwester in "Parkour" in 2009. Played Schwester Katrin in "Kindeseile" in 2009. Played Lehrerin Thromsdorf in "Verratene Freunde" in 2013.
Dorothea Swiac has: Played NY Pedestrian in "CSI: NY" in 2004. Played Subway Witness in "Blue Bloods" in 2010. Played Townsfolk in "Stake Land" in 2010. Played Waitress at Friends Bar in "My Pain Is Worse Than Your Pain" in 2012. Played Kayla Foster in "The Winter of My Discontent" in 2012. Played Lamb Victim in "Mr. Lamb" in 2013. Played The Mother in "Knightmares" in 2013.
Tina Jaxa has: Played Tennanna in "Oddball Hall" in 1990. Played Princess Maklo in "Tarzan: The Epic Adventures" in 1996. Played The Sangoma in "I Now Pronounce You Black and White" in 2010. Played Dorothea in "Chandies" in 2012. Played Headmistress in "Of Good Report" in 2013.
Dorothea Garlin has: Played Thea Anders in "Der Staatsanwalt hat das Wort" in 1965. Performed in "Zwei blaue Augen" in 1969. Performed in "Tatort" in 1969. Performed in "Dr. med. Sommer II" in 1970. Played Standesbeamtin in "Polizeiruf 110" in 1971. Played Frau Hellwein in "In aller Freundschaft" in 1998. Played Jugendamtsmitarbeiterin in "In aller Freundschaft" in 1998. Performed in "Die Braut meines Freundes" in 2001.
Lieselotte Rau has: Played Dorothea in "Hermann und Dorothea" in 1961. Played Prinzessin Natalie in "Prinz Friedrich von Homburg" in 1961. Played Elisabeth von Valois in "Don Carlos - Infant von Spanien" in 1963. Played Charlotte Corday in "Die Verfolgung und Ermordung Jean Paul Marats" in 1967. Played Witwe Brauer in "Tatort" in 1969. Played Oberpriesterin in "Heinrich Penthesilea von Kleist" in 1983.
Angelika Hart has: Played Petra Schnell in "Tatort" in 1969. Performed in "Morlock" in 1993. Played Dorothea Schiller in "Schiller" in 2005. Played Beste Freundin Karla in "Der rote Kakadu" in 2006. Performed in "Rot Gold Schwarz" in 2010. Played Brigitte Gala in "Grimmsberg" in 2011.
Sidsel Ryen has: Played Pauline in "Nederlaget" in 1966. Played Virginia Jones, movie star in "Festival i Venedig" in 1968. Played Marie in "Fjeldeventyret" in 1972. Played Sersjant-Petra in "Ungen" in 1974. Played Leonora Dorothea Dahl in "Sesam Stasjon" in 1990. Played Tante Dobberdame in "Fomlesen i kattepine" in 1999. Performed in "Sebastians Verden" in 2010.
Heliane Bei has: Played Daisy in "Wir haben eben geheiratet" in 1949. Played Anna Kobler in "Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., Presents" in 1953. Played Anna in "Der unsterbliche Lump" in 1953. Played Schwester Beate in "Das fliegende Klassenzimmer" in 1954. Played Wally in "Dorothea Angermann" in 1959.