Alfredo Adame has: Performed in "Mujer, casos de la vida real" in 1985. Performed in "Fuga al destino" in 1987. Played Gustavo Miranda in "Yo no creo en los hombres" in 1988. Played Hans in "Mi segunda madre" in 1989. Played Felipe in "La fuerza del amor" in 1990. Played Gustavo Elenes (1990) in "Balada por un amor" in 1990. Played Eduardo in "De frente al sol" in 1992. Performed in "Al derecho y al derbez" in 1992. Played Jorge in "El salario de la muerte" in 1993. Performed in "Dos Fantasmas Sinverguenzas" in 1993. Performed in "Perfume, efecto inmediato" in 1994. Played himself in "Otro rollo con: Adal Ramones" in 1995. Played Diego in "Bajo un mismo rostro" in 1995. Played Carlos in "Tu y yo" in 1996. Performed in "En las manos de Dios" in 1996. Played Carlos Augusto in "Alguna vez tendremos alas" in 1997. Played Himself - Guest Co-Host in "El gordo y la flaca" in 1998. Played Host in "Hoy" in 1998. Performed in "Reclusorio III" in 1999. Played himself in "Don Francisco presenta" in 2002. Played Host in "Premios TV y novelas 2004" in 2004. Played Presentador in "La madrastra" in 2005. Played Host in "Estrellas y estrellados" in 2005. Played himself in "Premios TV y novelas 2005" in 2005. Played Himself - Host in "De buenas a la 1" in 2007. Played himself in "Premios TV y novelas 2008" in 2008. Played Himself - Host in "Estrellas y estrellados" in 2008. Played Det. John Seagal in "Sortilegio" in 2009. Performed in "Como dice el dicho" in 2011. Played Leo in "Como dice el dicho" in 2011. Played Armando Garza in "Dos hogares" in 2011.
Alfredo Amestoy has: Played Himself - Co-Host (1965) in "Tele-Club" in 1965. Played Himself - Host in "La vida" in 1967. Played Himself - Host in "Nosotros" in 1968. Played himself in "Amestoy con vosotros: Fincas" in 1969. Played himself in "Amestoy con vosotros: Alcaldes" in 1969. Played himself in "Amestoy con vosotros: Conventos" in 1969. Played Himself - Host (1970) in "Puerta grande" in 1970. Played Himself - Host (1970) in "El equipo" in 1970. Played himself in "La tercera puerta" in 1976. Played Presentador TV in "Esclava te doy" in 1976. Played Himself - Host (1977) in "Mi no comprender" in 1977. Played Himself - Colaborador in "300 millones" in 1977. Played Himself - Host (1977) in "Vivir para ver" in 1977. Played Himself - Host in "La verdad de..." in 1979. Played Himself - Host (1982) in "Visto y no visto" in 1982. Played himself in "3x4" in 1986. Played himself in "J.M. presenta" in 1990. Played himself in "Locos por la tele" in 1990. Played Himself - Host (1993) in "Misterios sin resolver" in 1993. Played Himself - Host in "Comer es un placer" in 1994. Played himself in "Cine de barrio" in 1995. Played himself in "Sara, una estrella" in 2002. Played himself in "30 veces 31" in 2003. Played himself in "VII premios ATV" in 2005. Played himself in "La tele de tu vida" in 2007. Played himself in "La noria" in 2007.
Alfredo Alfonso has: Performed in "Mujer, casos de la vida real" in 1985. Played Hombre en cabaret in "Correteado por la muerte" in 1993. Performed in "Alondra" in 1995. Played Miguel in "Bienvenido-Welcome" in 1995. Played Natalio in "Un dulce olor a muerte" in 1999. Played Vinicio in "Por si no te vuelvo a ver" in 2000. Played Acosta in "La esposa virgen" in 2005. Played Don Casimiro in "Rudo y Cursi" in 2008. Performed in "Hermanos y detectives" in 2009. Played Julio Cesar Palma in "Dos hogares" in 2011. Played Comisariado in "El Arribo de Conrado Sierra" in 2012. Performed in "Libre para amarte" in 2013.
Alfredo Castellani has: Performed in "Tiempofinal" in 2000. Performed in "Son de Fierro" in 2007. Performed in "Todos contra Juan" in 2008. Played Lito in "Visitante de invierno" in 2008. Played Hugo in "Das Lied in mir" in 2010. Played Irineo Funes in "Recordando el show de Alejandro Molina" in 2011. Played Ireneo Funes in "Recordando el show de Alejandro Molina" in 2011. Played Alberto in "Tiro de gracia" in 2013.
Alfredo Escobar has: Performed in "Amazona" in 1991. Performed in "Volver a empezar" in 1994. Played Chamberlain in "Cosi fan tutte: O, la escuela de los amantes" in 1996. Played Soldier in "Ravenous" in 1999. Performed in "Viviendo a lo loco" in 2003. Played Gardien prison in "Sur la piste du Marsupilami" in 2012. Played Policier mexicain 2 in "Le jour attendra" in 2013.
Alfredo Santacruz has: Performed in "El grito sagrado" in 1954. Performed in "La calle del pecado" in 1954. Performed in "El barro humano" in 1955. Performed in "Isla brava" in 1958. Performed in "Lola, espejo oscuro" in 1966. Played (segment "Luna de miel") in "Las viudas" in 1966. Performed in "Mestizo" in 1966. Performed in "Codo con codo" in 1967. Performed in "Amor en el aire" in 1967. Played Director del Colegio Mayor in "Los chicos del Preu" in 1967. Played Comandante director in "Los guardiamarinas" in 1967. Performed in "Verde doncella" in 1968. Performed in "Los que tocan el piano" in 1968. Performed in "Las secretarias" in 1968. Performed in "No le busques tres pies..." in 1968. Performed in "Los subdesarrollados" in 1968. Played Maitre in "El turismo es un gran invento" in 1968. Performed in "Cantando a la vida" in 1969. Performed in "Le tigri di Mompracem" in 1970. Performed in "Cateto a babor" in 1970. Performed in "El relicario" in 1970. Played Director del Banco in "El dinero tiene miedo" in 1970. Played Don Baldomeno in "Fortunata y Jacinta" in 1970. Performed in "I Leopardi di Churchill" in 1970. Performed in "Tristana" in 1970. Performed in "La graduada" in 1971. Played Recepcionista Parador Condestable in "La decente" in 1971. Performed in "Los novios de mi mujer" in 1972.
Alfredo Sevilla has: Played Juan Manuel in "El combate" in 1980. Performed in "El diablo y la dama" in 1984. Performed in "Permanencia voluntaria" in 1986. Played Adriano in "El camino secreto" in 1986. Played Paco in "Redondo" in 1986. Played Habib in "On Wings of Eagles" in 1986. Played Gordo in "El imperio de la fortuna" in 1986. Played Javier in "Los amores criminales de las vampiras morales" in 1986. Performed in "La furia de un dios" in 1988. Played Don Heliodoro (1990) in "La fuerza del amor" in 1990. Performed in "Entre el amor y la muerte" in 1993. Played Don Cruz in "Hasta morir" in 1994. Performed in "Las delicias del matrimonio" in 1994. Performed in "El oro Que Perdimos" in 1995. Played Nico (1996) in "A flor de piel" in 1996. Played Rodrigo in "Cilantro y perejil" in 1998. Played Ortega in "Corazones rotos" in 2001. Performed in "Huapango" in 2004. Performed in "Lo que se hereda no se hurta" in 2007. Played Padre de Ximena in "Memoria de mis putas tristes" in 2011. Played Nicanor in "La Teniente" in 2012.
The Brooklyn Bridge played themselves as singers in "The Hollywood Palace" in 1964 and in "Della" in 1969.
Bambi Arambulo has: Performed in "Tong" in 1980. Played Bambi Belisario in "Temptation Island" in 1980. Performed in "Kalibre .45" in 1980. Performed in "Ang agila at ang falcon" in 1980. Performed in "Mr. One-Two-Three" in 1980. Performed in "Alfredo Sebastian" in 1981. Played Party Guest in "Oro, plata, mata" in 1982. Performed in "Isinusumpa ko" in 1982.
Amanda Rendall has: Played herself in "Babestation" in 2002. Played herself in "Bluebird TV 1" in 2010. Performed in "Relaxxx" in 2011. Performed in "Bite" in 2011. Played herself in "Shebang TV" in 2011.
Reede Fox has: Played herself in "Babestation" in 2002. Played herself in "Bluebird TV 1" in 2010. Played herself in "Shebang TV" in 2011. Performed in "How TV Ruined Your Life" in 2011. Played herself in "Storm Babes TV" in 2011.
Punya Das has: Performed in "Aashirwad" in 1968. Performed in "Bhuvan Shome" in 1969. Performed in "Suhana Safar" in 1970. Performed in "Abhinetri" in 1970. Performed in "Nadaan" in 1971.
Alfredo Mileo has: Performed in "El casamiento de Chichilo" in 1938. Performed in "Yo quiero morir contigo" in 1941. Performed in "Tierra adentro" in 1941. Performed in "Cruza" in 1942. Performed in "Ponchos azules" in 1942.
Alfredo DeSa has: Played Enrique in "Allergic to Love" in 1944. Played Master of Ceremonies in "Brazil" in 1944. Played Matu in "Jungle Raiders" in 1945. Played Ribero in "Notorious" in 1946. Played Brazilian Reporter in "Angel on the Amazon" in 1948.
Lorenzo Ricciardi has: Played Warren in "Una tragedia americana" in 1962. Played Pope in "Resurrezione" in 1965. Performed in "I fratelli Karamazov" in 1969. Performed in "...e le stelle stanno a guardare" in 1971. Performed in "Alfredo, Alfredo" in 1972.
Alfredo Viramontes has: Played The Homeless Boy in "The Thief" in 2007. Played Student in "Freedom Writers" in 2007. Played Carlos in "Talking to Strangers" in 2008. Played Grey in "Potcircle" in 2010. Played Jose Alvarez in "The Last Musketeer" in 2010.
Alfredo Arroyo has: Performed in "Las tres tumbas" in 1980. Performed in "Ojo por ojo" in 1981. Performed in "Las pobres ilegales" in 1982. Performed in "Presos sin culpa" in 1982. Performed in "Las baileras (palabras tristes)" in 1990.
Alfredo Herrero has: Performed in "Carmen fra i rossi" in 1939. Performed in "Antes de entrar, dejen salir" in 1943. Performed in "Cuatro mujeres" in 1947. Performed in "Correo del rey" in 1951. Performed in "Pleito de sangre" in 1956.
Virginia Amestoy has: Performed in "Ya tiene comisario el pueblo" in 1967. Performed in "Muchacha italiana viene a casarse" in 1969. Performed in "Somos novios" in 1969. Performed in "Las procesadas" in 1975. Performed in "Solamente ella" in 1975. Performed in "Las locas" in 1977. Played Elena Ramos de Inchauspe in "Rosa... de lejos" in 1980. Played Mujer en subte in "Las barras bravas" in 1985. Performed in "Amor prohibido" in 1986.
Carlo Dori has: Played Pandolfini in "La vita di Leonardo da Vinci" in 1971. Performed in "Roma bene" in 1971. Performed in "Alfredo, Alfredo" in 1972. Performed in "Donne e magia con satanasso in compagnia" in 1973. Performed in "Milano violenta" in 1976.
Alfredo Leggi has: Played Papo Hirmedo in "Accattone" in 1961. Played Proietti in "Il commissario" in 1962. Played Bostelli in "La commare secca" in 1962. Performed in "Una vita violenta" in 1962. Performed in "Uccellacci e uccellini" in 1966. Performed in "Teresa la ladra" in 1973.
Alfredo Viviani has: Played Pacheco in "Berlim na Batucada" in 1944. Performed in "O Grande Pintor" in 1955. Performed in "Hoje o Galo Sou Eu" in 1958. Played Salim in "O Barbeiro Que Se Vira" in 1958. Performed in "Sai Dessa, Recruta" in 1960.
Alfredo Lara has: Played Senador Maderista in "Cuartelazo" in 1977. Performed in "Chanoc en el circo union" in 1979. Performed in "Pero sigo siendo el rey" in 1988. Performed in "Noche de buitres" in 1988. Performed in "Ejecutor de narcos" in 1989. Performed in "La rata" in 1991.
Alfredo Mariotti has: Played Sagrestano in "Tosca" in 1976. Played Geronte di Ravoir, tesoriere generale in "Manon Lescaut" in 1985. Played Don Pasquale in "Don Pasquale" in 1985. Played Haly in "Die Italienerin in Algier" in 1987. Played Sacristan in "Tosca" in 1990. Played Sacristan in "Tosca" in 2000.