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Technically, he would still be in highschool because he is 17 years old. but, I have no clue what school he goes to. sorry, for being rude. He just graduated from Valencia High School in Southern California. That is also where he started dating Sara Hicks

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13y ago
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15y ago

He went to Valencia High School but he takes online classes now,

NO!!! I belive he still goes there....i think...i'm not that sure....LOL!!! I know someone who goes!!!!
Lautner tested out of high school and is taking college classes. I think he use to go t o Valencia High.

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13y ago

Ellis Middle School in Hendersonville Tennessee

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13y ago

He went to Jamestown Elementary School in Hudsonville Michigan. Then his family moved to Los Angelous when they found out he had a future in acting...

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13y ago

I'ts Valanca high

its VALENCIA high that's where i go!!

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He went to Grand valley state university (college)

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13y ago

He went to Rio norte middle school. I know this for a fact because my brother went to school with him. hope that helps

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