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Q: What materials were used to make ranchos?
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Why did Ranchos start?

make food

What did ranchos look like?

Back then, ranchos were large and small. Ranchos had a large field so that animals can graze on it. Some ranchos have a lot of buildings and some don't. Back then ranchos mostly had gates to keep their horses, sheep or cattle from running away.

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Dental materials are examples of materials that are used to make impressions.

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Women on the ranchos had many jobs. Some ran their own ranchos and even worked with cattle. Women did much more on ranchos than chores, however. Some, such as Juana Briones de Miranda, owned their own ranchos.

What are Ranchos used for?

They are used for raising horses,cattle,sheep,and pigs also a place where crops are grown.

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The materials used to make cement are,Calcareous materials (limestone)Argillaceous materials (clay)gypsumCoal dustIron oxidemagnesiumAlkalies

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Wool or Cotton. They are both materials that can be used to make a blanket.

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Wool or Cotton. They are both materials that can be used to make a blanket.

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What three types of naterials are used to make impressions?

The dental materials are examples of materials that is used to make impressions.