Michael Jackson spoke fluent English
While Michael Jackson did not speak or understand French, he has recorded one song in French - a version of I Just Can't Stop Loving You from the Bad album dubbed Je Ne Veux Pas La Fin De Nous. The song was also recorded in Spanish.
Michael Jackson could speak his native language of English. And when he was younger he spoke Spanish, and when he was in the history tour in Munich Germany, he spoke German. He could also speak French, and I'm sure he could speak a few others since he'd been to many countries in his lifetime.
Oh, what a lovely question! Michael Jackson was known to speak English, as that was his native language. He also learned to speak some Spanish for his music, showing his dedication to connecting with his fans worldwide. It's wonderful to see how music can bring people together, no matter what language they speak.
I've noticed he's had a bit of one myself. It is by far the most elusive, equivocal, hard to pin-point accents I'VE EVER HEARD. As the huge MJ fan I am I've studied it a bit. Instead of saying "Killed" he says "Killedt" He holds his S sound out long. Also he says Homosexuwool." Instead of the- ual. Also when he says come on instead he says "chamon". Words like here or there he says "heya" or "theya" Besides that I think we'rew just hearing his excellent pronunciation skills. He over pronounces things. He has excellent and very correct pronunciation. He pronounces everything accurately. Better then anyone I've seen.
~4alltyme wrote: Michael Jackson speaks in a dialect that is native among African American people who reside in the Midwest. I know this because I was born and raised there and went to a predominantly African American grammar and high school and am very familiar with the dialect. There is a tendency to use the "t" sound in replacement of the "d" sound. For example the word "learned" maybe pronounced "learnt" or the word "misled" is "mislet." There is also a pronunciation among other words that differs greatly. For example, in his Heraldo interview after the 2005 trials he talks of film as being a new medium he'd like to explore. Michael pronounces film as "feelm." This is also very common, as I recall, being around this group in the Midwest area of the United States, growing up. As you probably know, Michael was born and raised in Gary, Indiana.
No, Michael Jackson was not related to Mahalia Jackson.
Nobody will be able to say all of them, but here are a few. The words they make are in capitals: michael jackSON (Son) MichAel jacksoN (Man) miCHaEl jaCKson (Check) michaEl jackSON (Nose) micHaEl jACkson (Ache)
Michael Jackson from the Jackson 5 was not in Bugsy Malone, it was another Michael Jackson.
Paris-Michael Katherine Jackson is Michael Jackson's second child.Daughter of Michael Jackson and Debbie RoweSister of Prince Michael Jackson I & Prince Michael Jackson II.Niece of Jackie Jackson, Tito Jackson, Jermaine Jackson, Marlon Jackson, Rebbie Jackson, La Toya Jackson, Randy Jackson and Janet JacksonGranddaughter of Joe Jackson and Katherine JacksonGodfather is Macaulay Culkin. Godmother is Elizabeth TaylorCousin of Jermaine Jackson II, Valencia Jackson, Brittany Jackson, and Marlon Jackson Jr
Katherine Jackson was a kind, soft-spoken woman. She said in a interview that she trusted people too much. Michael was very close to her.
Spoken languages are languages that are spoken by people for communication. They involve vocalization and sound production to convey meaning, as opposed to written languages, which use visual symbols for communication. There are thousands of spoken languages used around the world.
Many languages are not spoken in India, including:HebrewFilipinoHawaiianTlingitNavahoXhosaZulu
No. More than 200 languages are spoken.
There are approximately 7,000 languages spoken in the world today. However, many of these languages are endangered and at risk of disappearing.
The main languages spoken in Xinjiang, China are Mandarin Chinese and Uighur. Other languages spoken include Kazakh, Kyrgyz, and various other Turkic languages.
Michael Jackson!!!!!=) Michael Jackson!!!!!=) Michael Jackson!!!!!=)
The main languages spoken in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) are Zulu, English, and Afrikaans. Other languages spoken in the region include Xhosa and Sotho.
The primary languages spoken in Region 5 are English and Filipino. Additionally, some indigenous languages are also spoken, such as Bicolano and Waray.
English and Russian are the two main languages of the ISS, but many languages are spoken there.
Indie is a diverse country with over 1,652 languages spoken. The main languages spoken in India are Hindi, Bengali, Telugu, Marathi, Tamil, Urdu, Gujarati, Kannada, Odia, and Punjabi.
The official languages spoken in Wallonia, Belgium are French and German. Additionally, some minority languages like Walloon, Picard, and Luxembourgish are also spoken in certain regions of Wallonia.