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Well,I think that's impossible, but somebody should invent it. I do know something that will always pick up anything One Direction related, though: My ears. lol

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Q: What kind of microphones pick up sound from only one direction?
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What is the difference between Omni-directional and Unidirectional Microphones?

Omni-directional microphones are meant to pick up sound from any direction at any time. Unidirectional microphones pick up sound from only one direction.

What microphones pick up sound from only one direction?


What is the difference between a CB microphone and a regular microphone?

CB microphones are generally more powerful than regular microphones. CB microphones are designed to only pick up sound from a certain direction where regular microphones may pick up unwanted background noise.

What is the name of a microphones that pick up sound from only one direction?

That would be a unidirectional mic. Microphones have varying pickup patterns, though, and you might also be talking about a cardioid or hypercardioid microphone, which pick up significantly better in some directions than in others though they aren't strictly speaking unidirectional.

What is sound going to do with energy?

Sound has to do with sound pressure, because our ear drums and also the diaphragms of the microphones are moved only by the sound pressure. For their calculations the noise fighters like to use more the sound energy.

How do you make the music play out of the speaker and not the microphone on your Nokia e63?

Music can't play through a microphone, microphones only record sound.

Is polarization a property of light waves but not sound waves?

That is correct. Polarization is possible only when the direction of vibration is perpendicular to the direction of the wave travel, such is in light. In sound waves, the direction of vibration (compression) is the same direction as the direction of the travel of the sound wave, and therefore polarization is not possible.

What cords can you use with iPod classic?

Only apple cords, microphones, and headsets. But u can use any kind of headphones that u want.

What do you mean by multidirectional microphones?

A multi-directiional or omnidirectional microphone is one that will pick up sounds from all round it. Compare this to a unidirectional microphone which will only pick up sounds from the direction in which it is facing.

What is a Unidirectional microphone?

That is a microphone which receives the sound only from a small angle of direction; like a gun microphone.

Can you use any microphones for Disney sing it?

yes. But it depends on what kind of microphone it is.

What is the unit for measuring the relative intensity or loudness of sound?

Loudness N is measured in in sones.Loudness level LN is measured in in phons.Sound pressure level is measured in dBSPL, where the reference level of 0 dBSPL is the threshold of hearing.The ear drums and the microphones are only sensitve to the sound pressure.We measure the sound pressure with a sound level meter.Loudness is affected by sound pressure, frequency and its bandwidth, and duration (time).Usually sound is measured in Decibels.