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The original purpose of the fire on the mountain was to act as a signal to attract the attention of passing ships and airplanes. Initially though the enthusiasm of the boys in throwing fresh wood on the fire lead to it becoming a huge out of control bonfire which then sends out sparks which cause further fires. Later on in the story the signal fire deteriorates into a small cooking fire for the boys on "signal fire" duty.

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Q: What kind of fire is needed and what is actually made Lord of the Flies?
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What kind of fire is needed and what is actually made from the novel lord of the flies?

Fire needed: Flames Made from the novel: The extreme discomfort and agony set on the children forced to read it.

Who decided to move the fire in lord of the flies?

Jack and his tribe of hunters were responsible for moving the fire in "Lord of the Flies" as they prioritized hunting and their own desires over maintaining the signal fire for rescue.

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The hunters accept the responsibility of the fire.

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The other two characters who helped keep the fire burning in "Lord of the Flies" were Piggy and Simon. Piggy was responsible for suggesting the idea of using Piggy's glasses to light the fire, while Simon helped to gather wood for the fire.

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The character who dies in the fire in "Lord of the Flies" is Piggy. He is killed when Roger pushes a boulder onto him, causing him to fall off a cliff and into the ocean.

What does fire represtent in Lord of the Flies?

The fire represents civilization and a hope for rescue, but mostly civilization ;]