it is a toy poodle cross monique. you can see this on all her photos
a dog and cat
No official announcement of such kind has been made. WikiAnswers will not support the spreading of rumours or hearsay, nor will it condone any breach of a person's rights to privacynope
Rihanna was born in St. Michael, Barbados.Rihanna is from Barbados - an island of the Lesser Antilles in the eastern part of the Caribbean Sea.
Rihanna is single; she does not yet have a husband.
Rihanna's last name is Fenty and Beyonce's last name is Knowles
Rihanna has a favrouite dog and it is called a guard dog it guards chris brown away
Rihanna's favorite pet is her dog.
DJ if you type into google rihanna and her dog then results say 'rihanna and her dog DJ'rhi rhi
Rihanna is not involved in a gang.
Yes, Rihanna does have a pet. She has a white pomerianian dog named Marley.Yes, she has a dog called DJ
Rihanna's kind if shoes are high heels obviously
i dunooo
A maltese/poodle mix