No official announcement of such kind has been made. WikiAnswers will not support the spreading of rumours or hearsay, nor will it condone any breach of a person's rights to privacy
As of 2010, Rihanna does not have a daughter.
Yes, and the baby she was pregnant with died.
yes because now he can't leave her
Having a baby out of wedlock means having a baby without being married.
No, she is not having a Baby it's just a rumor by this guy but no Selena Gomez is not having a baby .
Rihanna is not having a baby.
Rihanna isn't having a baby.
As of 2010, Rihanna does not have a daughter.
yes they are it's a boy and it is chris jonior
NO Rihanna has not have a baby.
Rihanna did not have sex with criss to have a baby.
Rihanna does not have a baby and neither does Chris Brown.
rihanna isn't even pregnant. that's what people do spread rumours on celebrities to let things look bad
Rihanna does not have a baby by Chris Brown or by anybody.
Rihanna does not have a child.
No because she did not have a baby.
Chris Brown and Rihanna never had a baby together.