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My guess a USN landing barge. the two officers were stranded on the Island, and I got the impression they may have gone AWOL. Picture was almost certainly made AFTER the war, don"t want to give the bluejackets ideas, and in the one I saw they were two commissioned officers.

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Q: What kind of boat was in Father Goose?
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Father goose name?

roos is the name of the father goose

What do you call baby geese?

A baby goose is called a gosling. The gosling follows behind the mother goose or the father goose. The father or male goose is called a gander.

What is the father of a gosling called?

The father of a gosling is called a gander. A gander is a male goose, while a female goose is called a goose. Goslings are the young offspring of geese, and they are typically cared for and protected by both the gander and the goose.

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Father Goose's Year Book was created in 1907.

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Father Goose's Year Book has 128 pages.

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Father Goose

What is a father goose called?

a gander

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What are animals mothers and dads called?

A cattle mother is a cow and a father is a bull.A female goose is a goose. A male goose is a gander.A mother horse is a dam. A father horse is a sire.A mother cat is a queen. A father cat is a stud.

A man has a sack of corn a fox and a goose comes to a river the boat can only hold 2 people He cant leave the fox and the goose together and the goose and the corn together how does he get across?

Cross with the goose and leave the goose on the other side. Come back for the corn. Cross with the corn and return with the goose. Leave the goose and take the fox. Cross over and leave the fox with the corn. Come back for the goose and return to the side where the fox and corn are waiting - don't take your eye off the fox or the goose! ---------------------------------- Put them all in the boat including yourself and cross. A sack of corn weighs about 50 lbs. a goose about 10 lbs. a fox about 20 lbs. Since the boat can hold two people, all three things weigh less than a second person that the boat can hold.