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Q: What kind of accent does Yami Bakura have in Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series?
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Why is Ryou Bakura British?

He was given a British-sounding accent in the English dubbed version to represent the calm and extremely polite way he speaks in the Japanese original. He is not from the UK though, he is Japanese.

Does noire have an accent?

Noire is a character from the Hyperdimension Neptunia series known for her elegant and formal manner of speaking, but she does not have a specific accent. Her speech pattern is more refined and sophisticated compared to the other characters in the series.

Will a 2000 Hyundai Sonata GLS transmission fit in a 2001 Hyundai Accent?

No. The Accent and the Sonata use a different series of engines. The Sonata transmission in much larger and will not line up.

What does accent mean in drama?

This may sound all familiar but to keep it shot, this directly talks about specific tribe. accent represent identical tones and there for accent set aside the mono tone to represent others. for example, an Indian male actor in South American drama series can easy picked by the accent not by the looks.

What kind of American accent do you have if you sound like Paris Hilton in her simple life series and Tim Gunn?

East coast

Does carlisle Cullen have a british accent?

He was born sometime in the early 1640s in London, England. Though Peter Facinelli recognized that Carlisle might have had an English accent, he did not use a strong one when filming Twilight because he thinks Carlisle would have adapted to his surroundings and dropped the accent to avoid attention.

How do you say 'accent' in french?

The word for "accent" in French is "accent."

Does Tom Felton really speak in British?

British is not a language. Tom Felton is from England. He IS British. He speaks in English. Perhaps you mean does he really have a British accent, which he does.

What is Inspector Japp's accent in Poirot?

Inspector Japp's accent in Agatha Christie's Poirot series is typically portrayed as British Received Pronunciation (RP), which is a standard English accent associated with educated speakers in England. This accent is often used in media to signify professionalism and authority.

Do American people have accents?

Yes. We hear our own regional accents easily, usually by how nasal our vowel sounds are. I understand that when trying for an American accent, most people lock onto the southern accent, but this is the extreme. If you want to see a Brit doing a perfect American accent, watch Hugh Laurie in the TV series "House".

What kind of accent did English actor Richard Garnett from Jeeves and Wooster have?

It sounded a bit welsh/speech impediment to me...I love this series and the books

Which is hotter a southern accent or a jersey accent?

the Southern Accent