re·al·ism [ree-uh-liz-uhm]
1. interest in or concern for the actual or real, as distinguished from the abstract, speculative, etc.
2. the tendency to view or represent things as they really are.
Fine Arts
a. treatment of forms, colors, space, etc., in such a manner as to emphasize their correspondence to actuality or to ordinary visual experience. Compare idealism ( def 4 ) , naturalism ( def 2 ) .
b . usually initial capital letter ) a style of painting and sculpture developed about the mid-19th century in which figures and scenes are depicted as they are experienced or might be experienced in everyday life.
a. a manner of treating subject matter that presents a careful description of everyday life, usually of the lower and middle classes.
b. a theory of writing in which the ordinary, familiar, or mundane aspects of life are represented in a straightforward or matter-of-fact manner that is presumed to reflect life as it actually is. Compare naturalism ( def 1b ) .
a. the doctrine that universals have a real objective existence. Compare conceptualism, nominalism.
b. the doctrine that objects of sense perception have an existence independent of the act of perception. Compare idealism ( def 5a ) .
the five areas of art are ancient art, modern art, art of the Americas, art of Africa and the African diaspora, and medieval renaissance and baroque art.
Painting, sculpture, graphic art, textile art, ceramics, installation, land art, video art, computer art......
The etymology of art is the history of art
applied art
Art is not a luxury.
Most Chinese art has flowers and animals in it but US art has people and unrealistic things in it or they are cars, trucks, and vans
stupid or unrealistic
During the feudal period, art was unrealistic, 2d, and exclusively religious. During the renaissance, art started becoming a lot more realistic, with shadows, realistic lighting, and sometimes even 3d figures.
Technology is so advanced in the future that nothing seemed unrealistic for that time...
That people were enjoying pictures of art which was just splurts of paint. He found that society was enjoying something unrealistic.
he is unrealistic!
No it is not unrealistic. If you want to, you can follow the principles of Christianity. Many people do exactly that.
I think it is because it's really unrealistic but It depends on the player. You get superpowers and that's cool but it's unrealistic.
Unrealistic, immature.
you are dreamingyou are being unrealistic