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The etymology of art is the history of art

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What is the word for the origin of a word traced back in time?

That's an ambiguous question. The science/art of tracing a word to its origin is called "etymology." The origin of that word, or its original form, is the "root word," or the "etymological root."

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The etymology of etymology is from the greek etumologia which means "true sense of a word"

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No, a thesaurus does not give the etymology of a word. However, the etymology can be found in a dictionary.

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No, a thesaurus does not give the etymology of a word. However, the etymology can be found in a dictionary.

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I'd like to know the etymology of that word.

What do you call the study of word origins?

The study of word origins is called etymology. In my student days I was told that it is one of the less exact areas of historical linguistics.

The Latin root anima- means studying the origins of words is called?

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How can you put etymology in a sentence?

I'll be checking on the etymology of these words tonight.