the five areas of art are ancient art, modern art, art of the Americas, art of Africa and the African diaspora, and medieval renaissance and baroque art.
Painting, sculpture, graphic art, textile art, ceramics, installation, land art, video art, computer art......
applied art
Art is not a luxury.
because everyone in the world is art. god created us as if we are a piece of art, but we are respected like humans, not art.
The etymology of hygiene is that the word comes from the French hygiène, meaning art of health, otherwise meaning, good for the health, healthy.
That's an ambiguous question. The science/art of tracing a word to its origin is called "etymology." The origin of that word, or its original form, is the "root word," or the "etymological root."
The etymology of etymology is from the greek etumologia which means "true sense of a word"
Etymology is the opposite of Antipodes
No, a thesaurus does not give the etymology of a word. However, the etymology can be found in a dictionary.
No, a thesaurus does not give the etymology of a word. However, the etymology can be found in a dictionary.
the etymology of the word ''cereal'' is from laitin
This definition is lacking an etymology or has an incomplete etymology
I'd like to know the etymology of that word.
The study of word origins is called etymology. In my student days I was told that it is one of the less exact areas of historical linguistics.
◘ life; etymology
I'll be checking on the etymology of these words tonight.