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Someone lacking sufficient training to be one

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Q: What is unqualified doctor?
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It means not a proper doctor. Someone unqualified but acting as if qualified.

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As your DOCTOR - not an unqualified forum !

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Ask your DOCTOR - not an unqualified forum !

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Ask your doctor - not an unqualified web-site !

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Ask your doctor - not an unqualified forum !

Can i take ativan today and Valium tomorrow?

Ask your doctor - not an unqualified website ! Phone your local pharmacy, or your doctor's surgery for professional, qualified advice !

How do you use unqualified in a sentence?

You are unqualified to do that job.

Can a Doctor Who has not passed the final examination to be a medical doctor practice medicine?

Of course not he is not a qualified doctor. I don't know where you live but in most countries a doctor once qualified has to register to be able to practice and no registration board would accept an unqualified doctor.

What is the dosage of albendazole for children?

Ask a doctor !... Not an unqualified forum !

Unqualified assertion in a sentence?

The mayor made an unqualified assertion that he had no knowledge of the impropriety.

What is an unqualified right?

unqualified right is the absolute right which means there is no limitation to such right.

Is it safe to take restavit during pregnancy?

DO NOT rely on an answer from an unqualified forum such as this ! For something this important, the only people you should be asking is either your doctor or midwife!