Tyler Posey's hair color is a very dark brown that might get mistaken by being black.
Favorite Color: GreenJames Maslow's favorite color is Green
His favorite color is Green and His favorite number is 8
Her favorite color is black.
his favorite color is green
His favourite color is green
Tyler Posey's hair color is a very dark brown that might get mistaken by being black.
Steven Tyler's favorite Aerosmith songs are No Surprize and No More, No More.
Steven Tyler's favorite Aerosmith songs are No Surprize and No More, No More.
He did not have a favorite color.
The python is Tyler Posey favorite snake because of its unique features it possesses.
John Tyler's favorite food is dessert pudding. John Tyler had the most number of children. Pudding-in-piecrust is one of the famous dishes that was present on the table.
red is her favorite color red is her favorite color
tyler medeiros eyes are brown