this is so wrong it is TroyBolton/
Troys dads name is Jack Bolton im sure
his email is whats ur msn
No liley does not have msn
Yeah he does he has MSN && AIM Aim=PandaFob2 seen the MSN one on webcam!!!!
One could find information about MSN entertainment on MSN's website. If they have an entertainment tab, more information usually could be found there.
it is green
Troys dads name is Jack Bolton im sure
i know TROY boltons real name... its Zac Efron !!
WikiAnswers does not disclose personal information about persons famous or non-famous alike, due to privacy regulations and WikiAnswers policies.
St Mary the Boltons was created in 1850.
deaf in one ear
super Kevin davies
Troy Bolton is a character in High School Musical. The part is played by actor Zac Efron. It could be possible that Bolton's favorite color is blue since a lot of the clothes he wears are that color, but no one knows for sure.
she has got msn and i have her msn my msn is
Your msn is your msn email ( or your own one ) That you use to sign into Windows live messenger (msn).