I had one and sold it on the cheap, but they are valued anywhere from $150 - $250. It all depends on what someone is willing to pay. Billy Boy Tricycles were made in the early 1930's, and are hard to find. There are many different kinds of trikes that look like Billy Boy, but most do not have pedals. Condition is a factor of course, but in any case it is a great piece of american history, and there are plenty of people looking for things like that.
Because he hasn't learned how to ride a big-boy bike yet!
He died of a heart attack due to losing a foot in a mine.
Check out"The Big Show.com" for a list of stations in your area.
Billy Elliot
Efren Penaflorida, SR. a tricycle driver.
Because he hasn't learned how to ride a big-boy bike yet!
It was a tricycle.
The boy on the tricycle is converting chemical energy (from food consumed) into mechanical energy to pedal the tricycle. As the tricycle moves, friction between the wheels and the ground generates heat energy. Additionally, the boy's movement also produces sound energy.
Billy Boy was created in 1930.
What the heck is a arab!
Billy Boy Arnold was born on 1935-09-16.
Billy Boy - wrestler - was born on 1977-06-09.
Good Morning World - 1967 Where Have You Been Billy Boy Billy Boy 1-6 was released on: USA: 10 October 1967
Willy Use a Billy... Boy was created on 1995-10-04.
Bobby's World is an American animated television series.