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1 million dollars

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Q: What is the value of Michael Jackson perfume?
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What is Michael Jackson's perfume?

no such thing

What is the name of the perfume created by Michael Jackson and where it can be bought?

Mystique de Michael Jackson for women and Legende de Michael Jackson for men, a couple can be found on places like eBay. They were never released in stores so there aren't that many available for purchase.

Do Michael Jackson LP records have any value?

Yes. All Michael Jackson's items have increased in value 10 to 100 times since his death.

What is the value of a picture autographed by Michael Jackson?

thousands of dollars

What perfume did Michael Jackson use to wear?

His favourite was Bal à Versailles, he also wore Black Orchid, Joop and Obsession.

What is the value of an un-open Michael Jackson album?

Depends what album.

What is the value of a Michael Jackson?

he's about $20 million, give or take!

Who is the official performer at the swearing in of the president?

Michael Jackson!!!!!=) Michael Jackson!!!!!=) Michael Jackson!!!!!=)

What is the value of Michael Jackson's original 9 singles pack?


What is the value of a Jackson 5 songbook from Belwin Hills Publishing Corp signed by Michael Jackson?

Around 5,000 dollars

What is the value of Michael Jackson songbook?

his Media Archival materials worth $20,000,000 and then the MJ Publishing Trust were/are worth $85,000,000

Who is more famous Michael Jackson or Adele?

Michael Jackson.......Definatley!