well, it is the one called "hold on, im coming" from sam & dave. And if you are not looking for that one, the main artist in composing the score for white collar is john ehrlic. look for it! :P
Wyatt White sings the theme song
It's the theme song of Doom 3. -----> True, but the theme song is: "Doom 3 theme song" by Tweaker (2004)
Neal Caffrey wears a fedora most often in White Collar
It was "Love's Theme" by Love Unlimited Orchestra featuring Barry White
The Hart Dynastys theme song is the sameas Bret Harts theme song.
Pretty Fly (For A White Guy) Is the theme song to the new minute to win it theme song.
White collar.
White Collar job
Wyatt White sings the theme song
Matt White, the song is called love.
"How you like me now?" by "The Heavy"
Captain Kangaroo's theme song was Edward White's "Puffin Billy".
White collar, veterinarian is doctor for animals. Doctors considered a white collar job.
The theme song was written and performed by Keisha White.
Zack Ryder's theme song is Radio and it is by Watt White.
white collar-----> blue collar is labor work
The newest commercial is "Danger! High voltage" by Electric Six