The structure adaptation of ampalaya, also known as bitter melon, includes several unique features that allow it to thrive in its environment. The plant has a climbing or trailing vine-like structure that helps it reach sunlight and conserve space in its habitat. The leaves are deeply lobed and have a rough texture, which may help deter herbivores from consuming them. Additionally, the fruit of the ampalaya has a bumpy, warty appearance, which could serve as a defense mechanism against predators.
A behavoural adaptation is how an animal acts in its habitat.AND/ORA thing that organisms do to survive in a particular environment, such as the way they feed, breed or move.A behavioral adaptation is something an animal does to survive, like a bird migrating.
adaptation to the island
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By the process of natural selection and adaptation to a continuously changing environment.
The film is an adaptation of the 1995 novel by Elmore Leonard.
It has a strong smell and a bitter taste
Ampalaya has a strong smell and a bitter taste.
Ampalaya emits a strong smell and has a bitter taste.
A ampalaya tendril is a plant structure whose function is to help the plant climb. A ampalaya tendril will actually wrap itself around anything that it comes into contact with and then it provides support to the plant as the plant continues to grow upward.-jmc :)go II-carbon
ampalaya is a vegetable
is ampalaya monocot?
Ampalaya in English is "bitter gourd."
An adaptation is a structure or behavior that helps a living thing live.
Ampalaya plants have a strong odor and bitter taste.