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How about at the end of Black Lava Ct, Henderson, Nevada? Might be the house right? ;)

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Q: What is the street address to Criss Angel's home Serenity?
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Where is criss angels house Serenity?

criss Angel lives in his estate called Serenity in Henderson, Nevada

Where is criss angels?

Criss Angel lives in his home, Serenity, in Las Vegas.

Does Criss Angel live in the Luxor AND the serenity house or just the serenity?

He lives and works mostly from Serenity, but still maintains his suite at the Luxor.

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Criss angels first job was his show Criss Angel Mindfreak I'm not certain but i think it was working at a bar doing magic.

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Criss Angel lives in room 623 in the Luxor but, he moved to a house in Las Vegas that he calls serenity.

Did criss angle die or not?

No, Criss Angel is not dead. He is alive & well living in his house, Serenity, or when he is preforming, he stays in the President's Suite @ the Luxor.

What are Criss Angel's favorite hotels?

Criss Angels favorite number is 13

What is criss angels favorit food?

criss angels's favorite food is pizza and steak.