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fire of unknown origin by blue oyster cult

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Q: What is the song that dean sings in hell house on supernatural?
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How come dean from supernatural go to hell?

Dean went to hell because he made a deal with a crossroads demon. He traded his soul to save Sam.

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Supernatural - 2005 Hell House 1-17 is rated/received certificates of: Netherlands:16

What happen to dean from supernatural in hell?

for 30 years he was tortured by a demon called alistair , and for 10 , he tortured others

Whose cuter Sam or Dean from Supernatural?

Dean yes ! definitely dean ! id go tu hell & back for him anyday ;) I love Dean's sense of humor but Sam in Friday the 13th riding a motorcycle was HOT.

How does dean get out of hell in supernatural series 4?

An angel named Castiel, he is seen in Season 4, 5 and 6. God sent castiel bearing in mind that dean was destined to stop the apocalpse

When was Sings Like Hell created?

Sings Like Hell was created in 1993.

Who played Jo in supernatural?

A hell hound rips at her stomach and she risks her life to help sam and dean escape by blowing herself up

Which should I get a Dean Dimebonics guitar or a Dean from Hell guitar?

I think the Dimebag Far-Beyond-Driven Dean is the best. Then the Dean From Hell would be a close second. Then the Dimebonics. but they all kickass! HEIL DIME

What band sings the rock song with the lyrics hell yeah?

The band Montgomery Gentry sings the song "Hell Yeah"

Who sings the song what the hell?

The singer Avril Lavigne sings this song.

Will john Winchester come back to supernatural?

no, he passed beyond the veil in "All Hell Breaks Loose Part II" because his deal with azazel was finished. besides, dean wouldn't make a deal again because he has already experienced hell and demons do not want sam's soul