Bellas conflict is a bad vampire named James tries to kill Bella
They both attend Forks High School in Forks, Washington. =]
In the sixth-period Biology class on Bella's first day at school in Forks.
Tremble for my beloved by Collective Soul
Dartmouth. In the Twilight series, Edward wants Bella to attend Dartmouth. He tries to convince her to fill out applications even after getting accepted to the University of Alaska.Gurjot Singh Sodhi
The song playing when Bella is looking for Edward in the school parking lot is "Clair de Lune" by Claude Debussy.
If you remember the scene in which Bella and Edward arrive at school together - Edward is wearing sunglasses, they are walking across the parking lot together, and Bella is embarrassed that everyone is staring..
After he comes back to school, Bella is almost killed by Tyler's van. He runs across the parking lot at school and he stops the van with his hand/arms
Bella went to Edwards school
Full Moon: When Bella is on her way to Folks in the beginningFlightless Bird: Prom when Edward and Bella are dancing 15 stepDecode: At the end, creditsGoing All The Way: First song playing at the promLeave Out All The Rest: Song in the creditsSupermassive Black Hole: When the Cullen family & Bella go out to play baseballI Caught Myself: When they are at Port Angeles when the girls are trying on dressesSpotlight: When Edward drives Bella to school and everyone stares at themNever Think: When Edward is at the restaurant with Bella at Port AngelesEyes On Fire: When Edward does not show at school after the first biology lesson & Bella plans to confront himLet Me Sign: When Edward starts to suck the venom out of Bella's arm after the fightTremble For My Beloved: When Edward saved Bella from the vanBella's Lullaby: When Edward is at the piano at his house, playing for BellaI'm not sure what song is playing at that part
Bella first sees edward and his siblings at school.
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart will be playing Edward and Bella in New moon
The song is called Eyes on Fire by Blue Foundation
Tyler is a character in the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer. He is a classmate of Bella Swan at Forks High School and is portrayed as clumsy and accident-prone. Tyler is infatuated with Bella and nearly hits her with his van in a parking lot before being saved by Edward Cullen.
school in Forks
In the book "Twilight" by Stephenie Meyer, when Bella feels sick at school and Edward takes her home, a song by Debussy is playing on the radio.
they started to develop a relationship