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I will never reveal the Wu-tang secret.

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Q: What is the secret of the Wu-tang clan?
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Who are the members of the wutang clan?

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Are the wutang clan from the east or west coast?

They technically are east coast cause they are "from the rugged lands of shaolin" (staten island) but they didnt really participate in the east vs west beef.

Does Alex Beaton wears Dada and Wutang?

No, he does not. From a VERY reliable source

Is wutang blood or crip?

The Wut-Tang Clan doesn't claim Blood or Crip. They're all in the 5 Percent Nation. *The 5 Percent Nation aka the Nation of Gods & Earth, are a nation in which believes that man is GOD. Although they are not a gang, they wear the colors of black & gold.

When does bluestars mind recover?

Sometime in the darkest hour (series one) when she dies saving her clan from the secret evil star clan had warned her about (a pack of dogs who killed swiftpaw and damaged lostfaces' face)she dies believeing in star clan

What is itachis big secret Naruto animae?

Itachi's big secret is that he was ordered from Konoha to assassinate his entire clan. He left Sasuke alive because he could not kill him.

How do you join the leaf clan on toontown?

LEAF clan is now gone, and copy-cat clans have sprung up. LEAF clan was THE LARGEST clan in Toontown history, and was a kind clan that helped others and stopped hackers. The clan was actually a secret up until around 2006. Since the clan is gone now, you can't join it. To join the Leaf Clan, first you make a green toon ( any shade ). Next you pick any clothes you want. Finally, you name your toon ______ Leaf or Rainbow's ______.

Why does ravenpaw leave the clan?

because tigerclaw is trying to kill him since he knows his secret (that tigerclaw killed the old deputy redtail)

What is itachis big secret?

Itachi's secret is that he was ordered to wipe out the uchiha clan by the 3rd hokage because the uchiha's were planning to wipe out konoha, but itachi pleaded with the 3rd hokage to keep sasuke alive.

What did the sons of liberty want if they were taxed?

Why they wanted liberty of course! But to be exact, the sons of liberty were a secret clan trying to get free of the British rule.

Who are the Cherokee tribe?

blue clan, longhaired clan, deer clan, bear clan, painted clan, wolf clan, bird clan,