The longest movie of all time is called "Cinèmaton" (1978-2010) and runs for 9120 minutes.
However, the longest cinematic film of all time is called "Berlin Alexanderplatz" (1980) and runs for 931 minutes.
The longest movie ever made was indeed The Cure for Insomnia (1987)...At a total running time of 85 hours (5,220 min), it premiered in its entirety at The School Of The Art Institute in Chicago, Illinois from January 31 to February 3, 1987, in one continuous showing.
Here are some other long -FAMOUS-movies
I think it's "Gone with the Wind" (1939). If not, it's probably "Cleopatra" (1963).
It's like, 4 hours and 15 minutes.
The longest movie released in theatres was The Ten Commandments starring Charleton Heston at 220 mins. Ben Hur comes in at a close second of 212 mins. (IMDb states the "Gone With The Wind" has a run time of 222 mins.)
it is twilight
Your dad
The movie that can be found in social studies "Mourning"
The second.
Africas second longest river is the congo.
The second longest word in English language is antidisestablishmentariansism.
no, the second longest river in the world is the amazon
Jared is the second person to live the longest in the bible
'The Longest Day' is a film based on a book written by Cornelius Ryan. The film concentrates on the events leading up to D-Day in the Second World War.
The longest river is Laughlin.
The second longest dinosaur is Argentinosaurus, at 140 ft long.
the longest river in Ukraine
The second longest river in the US is the Mississippi at 2,340 miles. The 1st is the Missouri at 2,540.
Norway has the second longest coastline in the world, after Canada. With its fjords, islands, and deep indentations, Norway's coastline stretches for over 83,000 kilometers.
No. The Severn is the longest and the Thames is the second longest.
Second longest river is the Amazon. It is located in Brazil, South America.