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I hear they are making it and it wil be out early 2011

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YES. it will be out early 2011.

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Q: What is the second clique movie called?
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What do you know about the second Clique Movie?

The Clique only has one movie, The Clique. There are many other books but only one movie.

What month will the second clique movie be coming out?

So far, the 2nd clique movie is not coming out.

When does the second clique movie come out?

i think mid November!!

When is the clique movie coming out?

The clique movie came out on November 18th of 2008.

Who plays Derrick Harrington in the clique movie?

No one plays Derrick Harrington in The Clique movie because Derrick isn't in the first Clique movie.

What was Claire's nick name in the clique movie?

"Gawsh kuh-laire! when will you learn?" -massie block; "the clique" so, massie called her "kuuuuhhh-laire!"

How do you audition for the second Clique Movie?

idk , text chacha !!!! haha , i dont know but if anyone does tell me ?

Who directed the clique movie?

The director of The Clique is Michael Lembeck.

Is there going to be a clique 2 movie?

yes they have confirmed that they are going to have a second clique movie based on he book. but if you want to act in it its probably to late. the movie comes out early 2011 and they are probably hav sarted filming it. sryy signed, hopefully soon to be actress

When exactly is the second clique movie coming out?

No one really knows yet but the first one was really good.

What is their makeup company called in the clique?

Their makeup company is called "Glambition" in the movie. It is also "Glambition" in the book, but in the book, Massie thinks of the name, but in the movie, Claire does.

What is the cost of the clique movie?

The Clique movie is coming out in 7 days, just bring 30 bucks to walmart and get it..