As of 2014, the salary for an animation engineer is $107,000 a year. The hourly wage for an expert in the field is an estimated $54.00 a hour.
computer animation, clay animation and stop motoin -animation
Linear animation involves animating for linear media like video and film. Interactive animation refers to animating for use on interactive media like video games and computers.
Animation loop is the repetition of part of the animation. For example, an animator can animate a clock pendulum swinging from one side to the other just once, then repeat the animated portion using animation softwares instead of repeating his work manually.
Youtube because when you think of youtube you think of computer animation. .
its an animation
salary of flight engineer ?
depends on what the specific task or job you have in animation
what is average salary of third engineer
900000 Rupees is the minimum salary of a marine engineer in India.
When choosing a career it is important to know the salary. The average salary for a military engineer is $71,000 yearly.
1. Petroleum Engineer - Avg. national salary: $118,222 2. Project Engineer - Avg. national salary: $109,565 3. Nuclear Engineer - Ang. national salary: $103,097 4. Electrical Engineer - Avg. national salary: $97, 121 5. Chemical Engineer - Avg. national salary: $95, 154 6. Aerospace Engineer - Avg. national salary: $93, 127 7. Engineering Sales - Avg. national salary: $92, 780 8. Mining Engineer - Ang. national salary: $91, 549 9. Communications Engineer - Avg. national salary: $90, 335 10. Biomedical Engineer - Avg. national salary: $82, 146
The average annual salary for automobile engineers in the US is $83,000. In Michigan, the average annual salary for an auto engineer is $84,000.
The average annual salary for an ocean engineer in the United States is $90,000. The average annual salary for a petroleum engineer is $104,000.
A new hire gets a salary of about $60,000
Around $80,000.
Salary Grade 16