Grease (1978) runs approximately 110 minutes. It obviously will vary depending on if it is on DVD on televiosion, because of commercials or editing. It was released June 16, 1978.
The movie grease came out in the 70's. So the movie is about 39 years old You can get precise information about any movie on Internet Movie Database.
Elvis Presley was not in the movie Grease. The lead in the movie was played by John Trivolta. He dressed in black with his hair slicked back.
It is 117 minutes. AKA 1 hour and 57 minutes 1:57:00
Jim Jacobs wrote the song summer nights from the movie Grease. Warren Casey was also a writer of the song summer nights from the movie Grease. They both wrote the song together.
Running time of the London West End production of Grease is 2 hours.
Yes, The movie's name is Grease!
Who was the male star for movie grease
The running time for the movie Matilda is 102 minutes. This rounds to approximately 1 hour and 40 minutes. This movie is a very long movie for some people.
Running time of "Valentine's Day" is 125 minutes. For a full review of the movie check the related links.
Yes he did sing the songs in the movie Grease.
The movie Grease had a number of different effects on society. Grease made a lot of people happy and cheerful for example.
The movie 'SALT' has a running time of 100 minutes.
The movie grease came out in the 70's. So the movie is about 39 years old You can get precise information about any movie on Internet Movie Database.
"Grease" was made in 1978.
The running time of Cars 2 is 112 minutes.