Elvis Presley was not in the movie Grease. The lead in the movie was played by John Trivolta. He dressed in black with his hair slicked back.
Elvis did not get any tattoos.
Elvis did
Dan Grease White goes by Grease.
OG grease is "Open Gear" grease. OGL is "Open Gear Lubricant".
only Elvis knows
everyone started to wear grease in their hair.
So many of them... Sound of music Grease Anything with astaire in it.... Also Elvis had some goodmusic films too!
Elvis Presley.
If you are asking about Elvis Presley then it is Elvis.
Presley, Elvis was born as: Elvis Aaron Presley.
"Elvis Presley"
Of course, my first question is, "Elvis who???". There are lots of people named Elvis. I know of two who are famous -- Elvis Presley and Elvis Costello.
Vernon Elvis Presley.
Elvis Presley. :)