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Answer I am a published Poet. Some of my work can be considered beautiful because of what the Poem says. The word beauty is used as a description only, and can't be compared to the beauty of a woman for example.

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βˆ™ 17y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Art and beauty are in the eye of the beholder. A cliche, but true. What is art to one person might be trash to another. What is beauty to one might be repulsive to another. I truly like certain flowering plants, but recently had a visitor who exclaimed, "Oh, I hate those!" Leaving aside the bad manners of denigrating plants your host has clearly been nurturing, how can anyone possibly hate a flower? It's the same with a painting or sculpture or other work of art. If someone enjoys it, fine. If you don't like it, you don't have to look at it. My kids were taught never, ever, to make detrimental comments at the dinner table. Why put someone off a particular food simply because you don't like it? The same applies to art and beauty; if you don't like something keep quiet and let others make up their own mind. I recall a woman with the most beautiful glowing violet eyes, and always admired them. One day someone told me what an ugly person he thought her. A good example of keeping negative opinions to yourself! The same goes for all art, crafts, and perceived beauty.
The answer is: aesthetics

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Humans are made with a natural curious seance of art. There are many types of art, as you know, such as visuals, which are pleasing to the eye, and music, and architecture of all kinds, are all pleasing. Humans will never stop exploring new types and forms of art until there are none left. Now visual arts, can take an unforgettable moment and keep it like a photo, or painting. If you're not feeling good, you can restore confidence by remembering a good time you had looking at a picture, reminding you that not all of your life is useless, and good times still exist in you. This makes us feel closer toward art, thus giving us a relationship. In a patriotic country like the U.S.A., you can find many monuments, and towers, and buildings, that can make a place feel more lordly, and give you a feel of safety, and pride. in doing so tightening a good relationship more. Music is a different type of art, the beat in a song, or track, or rhythm, matches your heartbeat, beating together as one. music is a very unique source of art, babies will clap to music, not just an ordinary sound, termites bite faster in music, bees work better and harder once hearing music. there are many other forms of art, that work on the same lines. To sum it all up, art is a part of us, and that is are relationship with art.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

The relation between art and beauty is that art is the beauty!! Art has its own mood and depending on that it could be beautiful or it can be ugly!!!

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Well, art IS beuty. All artists goal is to make a sense of beuty in their artwork.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

art is connected with nature because many artist get there inspiration from nature. As you can tell many paintings and drawings are based on nature.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Art is an arena, within which ideas and opinions about life are expressed and questions are raised. Life informs art and art reflects life.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Yes It Has A Realtionship Because Someone Gets Inspiration From Nature

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