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art is realistic but survival is YOU

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Q: What is the relationship between art and survival?
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What is art and relationship between art and culture?

ya gitu dh

What is interdependence between living being?

The relationship between two organisms that rely on each other for survival is called a symbiotic relationship.

What is the Italian Art Movement that emphasized the close relationship between science and art?

The Renaissance!

What is the relationship between art and mathematics?

not sure , maybe cuzins ..

What is the relationship between arts and life?

Life imitates art.

What is the relationship between art critics and artists?

Art critics can make or break the reputation of an artist.

What describes the relationship between Greek and Roman art?

Greeks were heavily influenced by Roman art.

What is the relationship between 20th cenrtury art and politics?

The relationship between 20th century art and politics is that they both fuel each other. Political themes are often used in art while politicians quote artistic works in their speeches.

What relationship is there between art and nature?

there both is fashion..while nature is god's gift...

How has the relationship between religion and art changed throughout history?

There is an aesthetic relationship between art and religion. Music, paintings, and statues are used to invoke strong feelings in people who attend places of worship.

This type of emphasis refers to the size relationship between components in a work of art?

This type of emphasis is known as proportion. Proportion is the relationship between different elements in a composition in terms of size, quantity, or scale. It helps to create a sense of harmony and balance in a work of art.

What is symbiotic relationship between malaria and mosquitoes?

It appears that infection of the mosquito by the parasite seems to increase the mosquitoes' survival.