R2-D2 was taller than Yoda.
Technically, Droids don't die. They're not human. They only malfunction, stop working, or are taken apart, but they don't die. So the answer is that r2d2 didn't die.
Yes, there was. The actor was Kenny Baker.
To get R2D2 is robot + star wars
Most droids can move across a variety of surfaces with ease
red saber and dualsaber
Because R2D2 was already taken!
Well you have to firstly finish it
All of the scenes that R2D2 was in.
Yes, Kenny Baker [1934-2016] sat inside R2D2
I think r2d2 because pretty much everyone knows about star wars and r2d2 but I've had some people ask me who Adele was so believe it is r2d2
It's the name of the small droid in Star Wars.
you cant
a boy