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The reaping is when all the citizens in each district between 12-18 are to report to the Justuce Building (Which to me is like a small White House). Then one boy and one girl are picked in a raffle. The ones that are picked go into The Hunger Games, a fight to the death on live TV.

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Q: What is the reaping in the Hunger Games?
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The time when they choose the tributes to go into the Hunger Games is called the Reaping.

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The Capitol (they control the hunger games and are not required to enter the reaping)

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the reaping

What is reaping in the hunger game?

The reaping is the lottery selection of candidates in which tributes (children who will participate in the games) are chosen.

How many reaping entries does Gale Hawthorne have in the hunger games?

By the time he is 18, he has 42 entries in the reaping draw.

What is a reaping ball for?

Holds the names of the children eligible for the Hunger Games

What is the name of the day when Hunger Games tributes are chosen?

This is called the Reaping.

Is the reaping fair in the hunger games?

No. It is designed to be in favor of the richer people.

How long is there between the reaping and the hunger games?

I believe it is 2 weeks

What does reaping in the novel symbolizes in the hunger games?

Risk your life for a loved one.

What is the protocol for volunteering in the reaping in the hunger games?

You just yell: "I VOLUNTEER!" And bam.

Why is the reaping system used in the hunger games?

So that the Capitol can contol what goes on