"Wit beyond measure is a man's greatest treasure" -- Rowena Ravenclaw
Ravenclaw's are smart in one way or another - For example, Cho was academically bright whereas Luna was insightful and philosophical.
There is no Rowena Ravenclaw in the Harry Potter movies, only her daughter, Helena Ravenclaw.
They're called Ravenclaw's. They don't have any other nicknames.
She lives in a lavatory now; she used to be a Ravenclaw.
The names are: Slitherin Griffindor Hufflepuff Ravenclaw They are all named after thier founders: Salazar Slitherin , Godrigg Griffindor , Helga Hufflepuff , Rowina Ravenclaw
Rowena Ravenclaw
Rowena Ravenclaw, Founder of the Ravenclaw House, Mother of Helena Ravenclaw, the Grey Lady.
Helena Ravenclaw, AKA the Grey Lady, Ghost of the Ravenclaw Tower.
Ravenclaw house colours are blue and bronze. In the movie, they are blue and grey.
The mascot of Ravenclaw House is an eagle, as shown in the image above. The House is named Ravenclaw not because its mascot is a raven, but because its founder is Rowena Ravenclaw. However, in the film adaptations, the mascot of Ravenclaw is an eagle.
Luna Lovegood is a Ravenclaw.
Professor Flitwick is the Head of Ravenclaw.
The full name of the founder of Ranvenclaw house was Rowena Ravenclaw. Her daughter's name was Helena Ravenclaw.
There is no Rowena Ravenclaw in the Harry Potter movies, only her daughter, Helena Ravenclaw.
Rowena Ravenclaw.
Ravenclaw house is represented by an Eagle.
The house of Rowena Ravenclaw at Hogwarts,the house stands for smarts.
I'm a Ravenclaw!