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It means Parental Guidance Suggested. Some Suggestive Dialogue, Infrequent Coarse Language, and Moderate Violence.

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Q: What is the rating for a tv show that is tv-pg-d-l-v?
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What actress plays Felicity is the TV series with the same name?

The Felicity television show ran from 1998 to 2002; Keri Russell played the part of lead star Felicity Porter in all 84 episodes of the show. The show covered some controversial topics and had a TV-14 rating.

What content must be avoided to keep a television show at PG 13 rating?

Graphic sexual content, explicit swear words, and a decreased amount of violence.

Why does PG-13 movies show up as PG-14 on tv?

Because ratings for tv are as follows. TV-Y, TV-Y7, TV-G,(G rating for film,) TV-PG, (PG rating for film,) TV-14, (PG-13 for film,) and TV-MA, (R for film.)

Rating of tv sHow is what does the D mean?

D - suggestive dialogue (usually means talks about sex) The 'D' you inquire about is part of the TV rating system and is what's called the 'Content Label' ex--> D/L/S/V/FV and, if any, will be found directly under the 'Audience' suggestion rating ex--> G/PG/PG14/MA in the top left of the screen within the first 15 seconds of the show and sometimes upon returning from commercials. The TV Parental Guidelines Monitoring Board reviews the ratings guidelines and their application to television programming. The Monitoring Board has a Chairman and six members each from the broadcast television industry, the cable industry and the program production community. The Chairman of the FCC also selects five non-industry members from public interest groups, for a total of 24 members.

What does the TV rating TV G mean?

Appropriate for all audiences Suitable for All Viewers

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The TV show "Once Upon a Time" has a rating of 7.7 out of 10 on IMDb.

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What are the ratings and certificates for Varsity Show - 1937?

Varsity Show - 1937 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:PG Australia:G (TV rating) Finland:S USA:Approved (PCA #3393) USA:TV-G (TV rating)

How do you get a projected rating for a new tv show?

Show it to a test audience, and record their responses during the show and their answers to questions about it afterward.

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The Ridiculously Awesome Show - 2009 TV is rated/received certificates of: USA:TV-14 (TV rating)

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Side Show - 1931 is rated/received certificates of: USA:TV-G (TV rating)

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Show Boat - 1929 is rated/received certificates of: USA:TV-G (TV rating)

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The Chris Tabb Show - 2011 is rated/received certificates of: USA:PG (TV rating)

What is the certificate for the TV show Friends?

All 236 episodes of Friends have a ceritficate rating of 12 apart from the whole of Series 5 which is given a certificate rating of 15.

What are audience rating?

An audience rating is approval or disapproval by an audience. Often, TV shows and movies are screened before an audience to see how the show or movie will do when released to the public.

What are the ratings and certificates for The Show - 1927?

The Show - 1927 is rated/received certificates of: USA:Passed (National Board of Review) USA:TV-14 (TV rating)

Why is Dirty Jobs rated tv-14?

It has very inappropriate language. I am not exactly sure that the grossness in the show affects its TV rating.