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zetus lapetus

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Q: What is the phrase that zenon always said in zenon the zequal?
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How do you spell always-sed?

This may be the phrase "always said" (e.g. Mom always said I was stubborn).

What is the phrase Ebenezer Scrooge always said?

Bah, humbug

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Peg always said "Never give up.".

Who said Sic semper tyrannus?

John Wilkes Booth said the Latin phrase (thus always to tyrants) after landing on the stage below Lincoln's box.

What were the three word phrase that John Wilkes Booth said after shooting Abraham Lincoln?

Sic semper tyrannistranslated,thus always to tyrants.

What is the phrase said in court when you are unable to pay a fine?

There is no phrase to be said. The person may be called indigent.

What is the most said phrase?

Snap! Or that's what she said! Definitely that's what she said

Better phrase for you claim that?

you said

How many times is the phrase go said used in the Bible?

The phrase "go said" does not make any sense, and does not occur in the Bible.

What is the cool catch phrase?

That's what she said!

Who said colours are colours?

Well, phrase it differently - Who said colours aren'tcolours?

Who said that's what she said?

The TV show, The Office made that phrase pretty popular, but the first time that the phrase was used was from Wayne's World back in 1992. It is an example of a phrase that is considered a double entendre.