His favorite color is Green and His favorite number is 8
A mobile phone number is a phone number that a cell phone has
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The phone number of the West Windsor Branch Library is: 609-799-0462.
The phone number of the Princeton Station is: 319-289-4282.
The phone number of the Princeton Public Library is: 815-875-1331.
The phone number of the Princeton Area Library is: 763-389-3753.
The phone number of the Art Museum-Princeton Univrsity is: 609-258-3788.
The address of the Princeton Branch is: 232 Prince St., Princeton, 95970 0097
The phone number of the Branch Brook Branch is: 973-733-7760.
Princeton's phone number is 678-434-5878
The phone number of the Elberon Branch is: 732-870-1776.
The phone number of the Broadway Branch Library is: 216-623-6913.
princetons phone number is718-998-4962