Answer: Just regular magic or you could be talking about the 'light side', but there magic is still only regular magic.
Answer: As far as I know, no special name for this was ever mentioned.
In Harry Potter, the Aurors are the dark wizard catchers. They are employed by the Ministry of Magic and are highly skilled in Defense against the Dark Arts, Potions, Transfiguration, Charms, and basic subjects.
If you are talking about Dolores Umbridge from Harry Potter, she is a mean woman who once was a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, but got fired. Now she works at the Ministry of Magic.
The characters in Harry Potter aren't referred to a sorcerer's, they are called witches and wizards.The title of the first book in the US is called Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. The stone belonged to Nicolas Flamel.
Gary Oldman, he played the main cop in the dark knight and sirius black in harry potter
eBay has the biggest, and most inexpensive, collection of temporary dark marks.
Yes, Harry Potter contains black magic (Called Dark Arts in the book/film).
Not harry! Some of the people who CAN use dark magic are Professor Snape, Professor Quirrel, and the death eater.
A department in the Ministry of Magic where the Aurors (dark wizard catchers) work.
You can find him in the dark tower level. You will need dark magic to get him.
sneakoscope is a small toy looking object it is use to detect dark magic. its like a compass it spins when the dark magic comes near.
Snapes Tear's dark magic box
you find it in the fourth year. It is in the level,"Quidditch World Cup". It is in a dark magic boulder.(Dark magic is red sparkles around items)
Some of them are Professor Snape, Professor Quirrel, and the death eater.
Fenrir Greyback can be found in the level 'Snape's Tears' in a dark magic box.
In the boat house. you also need dark magic character
The Death Eater Token is in the Quidditch World Cup Level and is in a dark magic can
In "Harry potter and the goblet of fire" peter pettigrew is making the dark potion.