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eBay has the biggest, and most inexpensive, collection of temporary dark marks.

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15y ago
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12y ago

Easy! You can get them from the noble collection website and from alivans website

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Q: Where can you get a Harry Potter dark mark temporary tattoo at?
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What is a Grand Sorcerer in Harry Potter?

The characters in Harry Potter aren't referred to a sorcerer's, they are called witches and wizards.The title of the first book in the US is called Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. The stone belonged to Nicolas Flamel.

What is an Auror in Harry Potter?

In Harry Potter, the Aurors are the dark wizard catchers. They are employed by the Ministry of Magic and are highly skilled in Defense against the Dark Arts, Potions, Transfiguration, Charms, and basic subjects.

Who voiced sgt resnov?

Gary Oldman, he played the main cop in the dark knight and sirius black in harry potter

What is the age range for Harry Potter?

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's (Sorcerer's) Stone -One, ten, eleven.Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - Twelve.Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - Thirteen.Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - Fourteen.Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - FifteenHarry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - SixteenHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Sixteen, seventeen, thirty seven.

What is the tone of Harry Potter?

There are almost 3,500 pages in the Harry Potter series. They are spread out in seven different books. The tone changes many times throughout the series. Tone describes the attitude or feel of the story. Some examples of this would be: Harry fighting Voldemort in the graveyard: Dark and tense Harry bringing back Cedric's body: Dark and desperate Harry kissing Cho Chang: Light and romantic Escaping the Death Eaters at the world cup: Chaotic The overall tone of the series did tend to get more dark as the story progressed.

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Who is the making dark potion in Harry Potter?

In "Harry potter and the goblet of fire" peter pettigrew is making the dark potion.

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Is Justin Bieber in the dark side in Harry Potter?

No he is not.

Is Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows dark?

Yes it is quite a dark story.

Does Harry Potter have sorcery in it?

Yes, Harry Potter contains black magic (Called Dark Arts in the book/film).

Who are the main characters of Harry Potter 7?

Harry, Ron, Hermione and the dark side.

What is a auror?

An auror in Harry Potter is a Dark wizard catcher.

Where can you find all of the dark wizards in Lego Harry Potter?

no i can not answer it

Who survived in transformers 3 dark of moon?

harry potter

How many O's did Harry Potter get in his O.W.L's?

One, in Defence Against the Dark Arts because of the DA

How do you get James Potter in Lego Harry Potter?

he and lily are in the dark tower year 3. have fun!

What is the Auror department in Harry Potter?

A department in the Ministry of Magic where the Aurors (dark wizard catchers) work.