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Q: What is the native tongue of Barcelona?
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What is the native tongue in Barcelona?

The native tongue in Barcelona is Catalan. It is widely spoken and considered the official language in the region of Catalonia. Spanish is also widely spoken as a second language.

When was Native Tongue - album - created?

Native Tongue - album - was created in 1992.

What is a Barcelonian?

A Barcelonian is a native or resident of Barcelona.

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What is a Barcelonan?

A Barcelonan is a native or resident of Barcelona.

When was Native Tongue - Carl Hiaasen novel - created?

Native Tongue - Carl Hiaasen novel - was created in 1991.

How many pages does Native Tongue - Carl Hiaasen novel - have?

Native Tongue - Carl Hiaasen novel - has 325 pages.

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* Language: Spanish is PR's native tongue, Portuguese is Brazil's native tongue

When was Native Tongue - Suzette Haden Elgin novel - created?

Native Tongue - Suzette Haden Elgin novel - was created in 1984.

How many pages does Native Tongue - Suzette Haden Elgin novel - have?

Native Tongue - Suzette Haden Elgin novel - has 320 pages.