Sara Damergi was born in 1980.
sara Gilbert was born on January 29, 1975
Sara Mohr-Pietsch was born on February 3, 1980.
Sara Nuru was born on 1989-08-19.
Sara Berner was born on 1912-01-12.
Sara Loscos is 164 cm.
The population of Loscos is 184.
The cast of GosSOS - 2007 includes: Sara Loscos as Herself - Host Oriol Ribas as himself
The area of Loscos is 71 square kilometers.
Loscos's population density is 2.6 people per square kilometer.
The cast of La caverna - 2000 includes: Maria Elias as Elena Sara Loscos as Teresa Ricard Sales Pep Torrents Laura Ventura
Sara Takieddin was born on November 25, 1978, in Damascus, Syria.
Sara Damergi was born in 1980.
Sara Arjun was born in 2006.
Sara Hickman was born in 1963.
Sara Edwards was born in 1962.
Sally Sara was born in 1971.