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Q: What is the name of the movie where the wife thinks her husband has left her but she finds out at the end that he died on their property falling into a hole?
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No. In order to perfect a transfer of the title to real property there must be a delivery to and acceptance by the grantee of the deed. If done in secret, the husband can disclaim the property when he finds out about the transfer.No. In order to perfect a transfer of the title to real property there must be a delivery to and acceptance by the grantee of the deed. If done in secret, the husband can disclaim the property when he finds out about the transfer.No. In order to perfect a transfer of the title to real property there must be a delivery to and acceptance by the grantee of the deed. If done in secret, the husband can disclaim the property when he finds out about the transfer.No. In order to perfect a transfer of the title to real property there must be a delivery to and acceptance by the grantee of the deed. If done in secret, the husband can disclaim the property when he finds out about the transfer.

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Your husband can sue you and your boyfriend depending on your states laws. Also, if your husband finds out you are dating, a judge can grant him a divorce on the grounds of adultery.

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