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Q: What is the name of the dog in The Thin Man?
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Who is The thin man's dog?


Who is Asta's mistress?

Nora. Asta is the dog from The Thin Man.

What is Nick and Nora's Dogs name?

Nick and Nora's dog's name is Asta. Asta is a Wire Fox Terrier who appears in the "Thin Man" series of films and novels.

A man and his dog were going to the park the man rode yet the walked what was the dog's name?

The dog's name is "Yet."

What breed of dog is the dog in the Thin Man movies Asta?

In the Dashiell Hammett stories the Thin Man's dog was a female Schnauzer called Asta. They kept the name because the stories were so popular but the best dog star at the time was a male Wire Fox named Skippy. So he became Asta.

What are the names of the six movies in The Thin Man series?

The Thin man (1934) , After the Thin Man (1936) , Another Thin Man (1939) , Shadow of the Thin Man (1941) , The Thin Man Goes Home (1945) and Song of the Thin Man (1947 .

What kind of dog is Asta in The Thin Man?

Asta, the dog in The Thin Man, is a Wire Fox Terrier. They are known for their intelligence, energy, and curiosity, which makes them great companions for solving mysteries alongside their human counterparts.

A man and a dog were going down the streetthe man rode yet walkedwhat is the name of the dog?

the doggys name is yet :-)

What is the name of the thin man pooch?


What is method man dog's name?


A man and a dog were going down the street the man rode yet walked what was the dog name?

Yet! :D

What is the thin man's pooch?

"The Thin Man's Pooch" is a nickname for the miniature schnauzer dog breed. These dogs are known for their distinctive appearance with a wiry coat and bushy eyebrows. They are loyal, intelligent, and make great companions for their owners.