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It is called 'The End of Time' which was a two part special, the 10th Doctor's regeneration happening at the end of part 2.

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Q: What is the name of the Doctor Who episode that the tenth Doctor turns into the 11th Doctor?
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When did the doctor go 11th?

He hasn't yet. The tenth doctor will be regenerating into the 11th Doctor around Christmas/New Year of 2009.

When does the Christmas episode of Doctor Who with the 11th Doctor premiere?

25th December. And it always has been.

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A future version of the 11th Doctor.

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The Eleventh Hour.

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The Spaceman in Series 6 episode 1 killed a future version of the 11th Doctor.

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The Christmas Carol episode of Doctor Who was aired in 2010 with Matt Smith as the 11th doctor. The following episode of the series was the Impossible Astronaut.

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Yes, in an episode called "Death of the Doctor."

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The episode was broadcast on Saturday April 11th, 2009.

What episode was it when the 11th doctor came into the picture?

end of time part 2

What is the next episode after the end of time part 2 does the 11th doctor appear?

The Eleventh Hour.

What is the tenth doctor's real name?

the name of the tenth doctor is david tennant .however this xmas in 2009 he will resign as the doctor and will be strongly missed and i myself am not watchin any other doctor who episodes that do not have david in them.the 11th doctor is going to be Matt smith.

What are the 11th doctor's catchphrases?

The Eleventh Doctor's main catchphrases are: 'Geronimo!', 'Bow ties are cool' and for the big bang episode, 'fezzes are cool'