The Mothers name is - Esperanza
The Mothers son name is - Spirit
The Beautiful Paint Horse that spirit likes Her name is - Rain
Homer did not have a girlfriend but had a close friend that was a girl named Valentine.
Rena is the name of Daigo's girlfriend.
The TV Movie that ended with "Take the Long Way Home".....was 1989's BLIND FAITH. The man murdered his wife, had 3 devoted sons.....and a girlfriend.
Kiara. Simba & Nala are BOTH alive in this movie. Actually, Kiara was the daughter of Simba and Nala. Also, in the Lion King 2, Simba and Nala are more then just "boyfriend and girlfriend," and it is implied that they are married, as Simba is king, and Nala is his queen.
the uninvited
His name was Strider, but I don't know where that name came from. I just found it out myself.
The ex-girlfriend in the movie is a piece of fiction for dramatic purposes.
Her name is Clarice, at least in the claymation movie. Hope this helps!
the girlfriend experience
Her name is Angel.
If you mean Spirit's pinto colored 'girlfriend' then her name is Rain. :)
final fantasy: the spirits within
Her name is Kellie Overbey