Gryffindor: Professer McGonagall
Hufflepuff: Professer Sprout
Ravenclaw: Professer Flitwick
Slytherin: 1-6 Professer Snape 7 Professer Slughorn ( He was head of house for Slytherin in the 6th book in the few hours after Snape left the castle).
I believe that would be Professor McGonnegal. Is that spelled right?
Hi, I'm AthenaLuver and just to tell whoever spelled this sadly no, that is not spelled right. Sorry to you. Anyway I'm a PRO at Harry Potter all the house's names are:
Gryffindor: Godric Gryffindor Head Of The House: Professor McGonagall
Hufflepuff: Helga Hufflepuff Head Of The House: Professor Sprout
Ravenclaw: Rewena Ravenclaw Head Of The House: Professor Fliteick
Slytherin: Salazar Slytherin Head Of The House: Professor Snape
If you have anymore to add be free to add. :D Ty
In the first to the sixth books, they are as follows:
Gryffindor: Minverva Mcgonagall, Transfiguration mistress
Ravenclaw: Fillius Flitwick, Charms master
Hufflepuff: Pomona Sprout, Herbology Mistress
Slytherin: Horace Slughorn, Potions master (predecessor and successor of Severus Snape)
It is a cat, not an owl: Crookshanks
The Professor's name is Madam Hooch
Tom Felton plays Draco Malfoy.
His mother's name was Lily Evans before she was married.
There is a House Elf and his name is Dobby.
Sirius Black
i think it is suriour
Blaise Zabini.
Ron and Heirmionie
Harry Potter's name is Harry Potter; in the films he way portrayed by Daniel Radcliffe.
Harry Potters full name is Harry James Potter. The actor that plays Harry Potter in the movies is Daniel Radcliffe.
The actor who played harry was called Daniel Radcliffe.
She liked the name harry and the potters were a family who lived in her street so she "borrowed" the name.