The Invention of Lying is rated PG-13 for adult humor and content.
Philip Seymour Hoffman was the bartender in "The Invention of Lying"
The Invention of Lying
The United States does not have a BE rating.
the last mimzy movie rating is a pg which stands for parental guidence
The age rating for the movie Anuvahood is age certificate:12a.
General still-no-one knows what the lie is until later.
99 minutes long
Philip Seymour Hoffman was the bartender in "The Invention of Lying"
The Invention of Lying
"The Invention of Lying" was released on October 2, 2009.
The Invention of Lying was created on 2009-09-14.
The Production Budget for The Invention of Lying was $18,500,000.
It's Try and Catch the Wind by Donovan.
The Invention of Lying grossed $32,679,264 worldwide.
The Invention of Lying grossed $18,451,251 in the domestic market.
Ricky Gervais' character invents the world's first lie in the movie "The Invention of Lying" in a bank when he tells the bank teller that he has more money in his account than he actually does.
The Invention of Lying - 2009 is rated/received certificates of: Argentina:13 Australia:M Canada:PG (Ontario) Germany:6 Ireland:15A Malaysia:PG-13 Netherlands:AL Portugal:M/12 Singapore:PG South Korea:15 Sweden:11 (DVD rating) UK:12A USA:PG-13 (certificate #45305)