Not rated. The movie doesn't have a rating.
TBD usually means "To be determined." The filmmakers either haven't got the rating back from the ratings board yet, or they got one they didn't like and are working to edit the movie to get the rating they want.
the last mimzy movie rating is a pg which stands for parental guidence
The age rating for the movie Anuvahood is age certificate:12a.
Check the classification. It means the movie is yet to be formally given a rating
It stands for "General" (audiences), meaning people of all ages.
Rating Pending.
The "R" rating on a movie stands for "Restricted." It means that viewers under 17 require an accompanying parent or adult guardian because of strong language, violence, or adult content.
The Most Visited Indian Movie Rating Website Is Indian Movie rating
Not rated. The movie doesn't have a rating.
a movie gets it's ratings by other people rating it
The movie Spork received a 5.9 out of a possible 10 rating.
TBD usually means "To be determined." The filmmakers either haven't got the rating back from the ratings board yet, or they got one they didn't like and are working to edit the movie to get the rating they want.
It was released with an R rating.
No rating