The movie is rated R...I went and seen it last night, it wasn't as scary as I thought it would be.
The United States does not have a BE rating.
the last mimzy movie rating is a pg which stands for parental guidence
The age rating for the movie Anuvahood is age certificate:12a.
4 * from Total Film, The Sun, News Of The World, The People. :)
Hullumeelsed is an Estonian equivalent to the title of the movie 'The Crazies'.
Безумцы is a Russian equivalent to the title of the movie 'The Crazies'.
In the movie theatres.
It is rated 'R'
Crazies is a remake from an early seventies film, this book seems to be similar to the movie.
the crazies
Info is not shared in the movie, but it is nicknamed "mad person disease." or "MPD"
The translation would be "Без перевода".
Mad World by Gary Jules
The Crazies was released on 02/26/2010.
Yepp....Saw The Crazies Last Week.....Danielle Panabaker Is In A Car and A "Crazy" Breaks The Windshield Glass And She Is Accidentally Hung From A Car Wash..... It's A Good Movie, Though!